Monday, February 24, 2014

The following is Blog post number twenty-one and is part of the Racial Reconciliation Series presented in honor of Black History Month; it is entitled: How White Folk Offend Black Folk - Part Two: The Forward March of Human History.

How White Folk Offend Black Folk
PART TWO - The Forward March of Human History
[The following is an unedited excerpt from the book BECOME PERFECT, 2007©]

Whatever position of agreement or disagreement you may hold, if you are a White human being, the factual realities of the White race, those of European descent, on the stage of world history, is evidenced, by: the discourse presented in the balance of this work of faith. It begins with Western Civilization. One might ask: “Where does this discourse end;” to this I say: “Heavenly Father, let it end in reconciliation!”
      Western Civilization is a creation of the White human being; predominantly moved forward by the European White human being. The “Control Norm” of Western Civilization, is a description of who controls and therefore dominates the authority and power, within the overall culture of an entire civilization. The physical description of this “Control Norm” in Western Civilization is a White male who may vary in height, but is typically over five feet eight inches tall and more likely in the six-foot range. Certainly there are exceptions to this truth, Napoleon Bonaparte being one of those exceptions. To the degree that one is male and less than five feet eight inches tall; also competes aggressively for leadership, this male is often said: “to possess a Napoleonic Complex,” which is not a compliment.
Because it would be too extensive to describe, absent in this discourse are the tremendous accomplishments of the White human being in the orchestration and management of the development and progression of Western Civilization that include: 1) organized democratic forms of governance, 2) the organization of capital and advanced financial systems, 3) the expansion of education systems and higher education constructs, 4) organized systems in farming and agricultural production, 5) the harness of many forms of energy through invention and distribution of electricity, discovery of oil and gas with its organized system of distribution, as well as the discovery of nuclear technology 6) the organization and advancement of medical health care, 7) industrialization in all forms, 8) human flight, 9) transportation in all forms, 10) mass communications and the distribution of information in all forms, and finally, 11) the invention and innovations of advanced technology in all forms.
As well it cannot be discounted that the White human being continues to show up with a tremendous outpouring of effort to positively affect the human condition worldwide. Beloved, one must also recognize that much of the learning gained during the Greco-Roman Era came out of the African Continent. Even so, I contend that on the stage of human history post the Hamatic Era, there is no equal to Western Civilization when one objectively looks at the process of time and the level of human advancement, growth and development of the human species up to this day in time. Though it can successfully, be argued that many of the innovations that have propelled the advancement of Western Civilization were accomplished by someone, in other than the White race; the dominant role of White stewardship objectively cannot be argued in my view!
More than a few times, revealed history shows that a propelling invention or innovation was, falsely claimed/appropriated by a person of European descent as their own accomplishment. But even this act on a natural level, though a base act spiritually is something that could engender a certain admiration by some. I count myself as an admirer. Whatever negativity associated with dominant stewardship, if one accepts that human advancement has, overall, been positive; then the greatness of the White human being should be recognized for what it is! The method of stewardship, mostly, is what advances the resentments and hatreds, based on which side of the racial divide that one exists.
Now, I describe the Hamatic Era, as that time of greatness in human civilization development, in which the son of Noah named Ham, and whose progeny brought forth the development of African empires. The Ethiopian and Egyptian nations and the early development of the African Continent are of Ham. The great Babylonian Empire, and the yet unexplained masonry methods for building the Pyramids, and Sphinx of Egypt combined with the civilization that created and supported such amazing feats were all led by people of color! And there can be no discounting of the brutality suffered in these civilizations. Including, the enslavement of God’s chosen people!
       I contend, it cannot be successfully disputed, that no other racial group from the Greco-Roman era forward unto today, has accomplished what the White human being has in their stewardship of, and the forward march of what has come to be known as Western Civilization! The challenges for the White human being are, contained within the penalties from the methodologies employed, which created this human advancement. These methodologies, as we will see, have been an egregious offense to racial groups who are not White human beings. Particularly, the African people, that became, the slaves of Western Civilization; and whose sweat built it.
       This being said: we in the West of today find ourselves in perilous times as a civilization; for, we are now heavily burdened by the decimation of other cultures, whose mere survival, is to some degree today, dependent now upon the West, and America in particular. For we of the West, are the nations who most often come to the defense, rescue and or the aid of other nations and people facing perilous times. These cultures and racial groups, in particular, the African, have been dominated by a brutality unmatched in human history; their resources procured for the purpose of a White human being’s worldwide dominance and control of resources. It is in the interest of the African peoples that they change! That they stop killing one another, for the purpose of financial gain that further serves the interest of a White human being who garners African Continent resources!
I contend, that our divisions that exist today in America are rooted in historical events that have neither been forgotten nor forgiven. They have not been forgotten, because there are millions of people in America who are quite happy for these divisions to exist, based on race, economics and the continuation of desired White privilege. They have not been forgiven because there are millions of people in America who are daily affected by the realities of White privilege.  
The historical events that have propped up White privilege are the methodologies implemented to create and that today sustain White privilege as an aspect of Western Civilization; in particular American society! More bluntly, these methodologies are totally related to maintaining control over both authority and power, within the possession of a human being who by the happenstance of birth, has come into the plantation as a member of the White human population. The perilous times of Western Civilization include today’s discontent with the White human being because of historical events and the maintenance of White privilege. And there are many White human beings who do not want to talk about White privilege and feel it an irrelevant discussion.
What is White privilege? White privilege is: “An in breaded, social indoctrination of a ‘Just Us Philosophy’ that has, over the process of time, become ‘a natural state’ within the subconscious psyche of the White human being. It is a fundamental underpinning of Western Civilization. At times this is a very top of mind event within some White people.” This “Just Us Philosophy” is the principle by which White human beings created: centralized power, control, dominance and influence over all resources on this plantation. The “Just Us Philosophy” is by description, a philosophy of exclusion that is demonstrated in all manner of aggregating and then the segregating unto the White human; all aspects of The Resource Bundle! The beginnings of White privilege are rooted in Colonialism: particularly the colonization of India, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Australia, New Zealand and all of the Americas by the Empire of England. It is the belief that one’s Whiteness is by genetics superior to all other peoples. Further, that by this so-called: “genetic purity” the White human being is above all other races of people in supremacy of intellect and humanity!
Therefore, all other racial groups are sited as inferior beings; thereby, they hold a rightful place of subordination. The “Just Us Philosophy” historically, therefore demands, and indeed, is deemed a righteous cause for the White domination of the entire world and its resources; which, essentially was the early goal of Western Civilization. For some, this delusion of righteous cause, on some levels still remains in this present hour! White privilege, is indeed, embedded in the “Just Us Philosophy.” In American history, not too distant: White privilege was manifested as a White banker, plumber, accountant, sharecropper, rancher; or a barber living in spiritual and practical subversion! The “terrorist subversion,” of a respected member of the Ku Klux Klan! In the darkness of the night: wearing a hood over their head to not be identified; while carrying out, heinous acts of terror on the weak, in order to maintain control of The Resource Bundle! Or today, White privilege is simply: being able to be a shoplifter, without suspicion; while a legitimate shopper of color is challenged, for being present in the same store that a White person, is stealing from!
White privilege is, to be, accepted as the preferred candidate for a position, of any kind; when in competition with someone who is not White. Even, when, the nonwhite person: is in possession of superior skill sets, education and demonstrated moral character. White privilege is, to be perceived as the best fit; when, only skin color is the only possible determinant factor of final decision! White privilege is to be listened to. While someone, who is not White, has said the identical thing and is not heard. White privilege is, to be of the West as a nation; doing acts that are counter to the Will of God. Dominating, other nation’s, with impunity; thinking that it is acceptable when it really is not, in the eyes of an Almighty God! White privilege is, to be a member of the controlling class. The controlling class is the White race of Western Civilization! 

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