Friday, March 21, 2014

The following is Blog number forty and is part of the ongoing Racial Reconciliation in America Series. It is entitled: Race in America – Paul Ryan, Why Do You Do That?


Our first real job after leaving the University of Kansas was called a Social Advocacy Planner with the Metropolitan Regional Planning Commission (METROPLAN), in Kansas City. This was ’69 and Martin Luther King had been killed in ’68; many cities around the nation had been set ablaze in riots. This was the true beginning of our eyes being opened to public policy in America as a nation.
Our function at Metroplan, was to act as the voice of the inner-city community to those tasked with the delivery of federal government resources in an organized fashion to where Black folk lived. We did a great deal of work with organizations like the Model Cities Program, another government program within President Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” effort.
To Black folk like the Social Action Committee (SAC 20) as they were called, we were considered as the White folk’s nigger, until they got to know me. Then we became a friend that they wanted to protect and did in two dangerous situations involving the Black Panthers and KCMO Police. Dangerous times indeed those were.
Being involved in efforts that were actually desirous of positive change for Black folk we were also near the sources of decision. As such we were also able to see how folk change decisions. There is no time here for all of that. The point that is to be made here is simply this: that public policy as a matter of history is actually made by White folk.
Today there is opportunity for public policy to be driven by the actions of Black folk. The challenge and the quest for all people of goodwill must be to reverse the institutional racism that has been embedded into American public policy. House Representative Paul Ryan, among others stands at the gate of change prevention. These are maintain the status quo people!
Keeping an open mind and a desire for discovering how we got to this place of racial tensions today is very important if we are to change the atmosphere. One is well served by attempting to look at history from the beginning; up to today to discover the truth about keeping Black and Whites in racial turmoil. The following represents our case:
  1. As an institution, African Slavery in the United States can not be overlooked when discussing the current reality of Black folk. And their relationship today with White folk. Nor can the history of the Jim Crow laws and the “Black Codes” be overlooked. Please go to the following link for your own discovery and what is simply a very quick and interesting read. The take away is that there is codified within our nation of laws, the matter of racism that cannot be overlooked. Racism is a word and a reality that we as a people must stop running away from if ever we want to grow as a people of many colors and cultures. Racism in America is part of our national reality. Institutionalized racism remains as part of who we are. We just have to figure out a way to get rid of it altogether! :
  2. [Through an overt practice of denying mortgages based upon race and ethnicity, the FHA played a significant role in the legalization and institutionalization of racism and segregation. The Underwriting Manual established the FHA’s mortgage lending requirements, ultimately institutionalizing racism and segregation within the housing industry. The following presents information about the national context of redlining and is not specific to Greater Boston.] This particular quote is taken from a discovery process in Boston but is actually a national reality and we strongly endorse the findings.
What this study represents is an overview of how the critical asset of housing is affected by public policy. The notion that Black folk do not have a work ethic and are a slothful people is refuted. While the realities of White exclusion through the use of “barriers to entry” techniques, lend credence to our assertion that:
a) There is in America, a history of public policies that constrains Black financial productivity and asset development,
b) There is a history of public policies that can be seen as institutional racism if one is simply honest in their assessments of public policy, and
c) There is a paper trail in America that clearly explains that it is change in our public policies that must become the focus of all people of goodwill. Later we will deal with the issue of Redlining more thoroughly!
  1. The following link is posited to offer what we believe is an extraordinary overview of the impact of the race riots in the 1960’s on Black property values and on the issue of Black employment consequences. These activities of the 1960’s reverberate into this current hour. When one says that the fault of the race riots is that of those who own the property and who live in the riot stricken area we contend that one is being thoughtless. The Black property owners were the ones penalized by the actions of those living under the burden of oppression as they perceived their lives.
Often we are just perplexed by the level of ignorance that is produced within the White race regarding Black folk. This ignorance is a result of our society remaining mostly segregated. The majority of White folk in America above the age of fifty have very limited daily contact with Black folk. Those above the age of sixty in some parts of the nation really do not care that much about any interracial contact and would rather that the whole race problem would just go away.
Generally speaking, for White folk, most understanding of Black folk is from what they see on the television. Television is the indoctrination system of America. Television informs this nation and has done so since the early 1940-1950’s.
Certainly what White folks see on the television is different from their actual relationships with Black folk if they actually have one and it is a positive relationship. Typically the knowledge of Blacks does not come from a close and daily relationship with someone who is Black; a relationship defined by positive experiences. You know a normal everyday life.
In every form of communication, the portrayal of Blacks for the indoctrination of Whites: during Slavery and unto freedom; in freedom and unto assimilation; as assimilated and yet segregated; there has been a constant portrayal of Blacks as a slothful buffoon, a dangerous criminal and someone intellectually inferior to White folk.
The indoctrinating message to Whites has always been the same: 1) stay away from this Black creature and 2) you are superior to this creature! The purpose of the indoctrination was to devalue Black humanity. The purpose was to justify Slavery and the economic system that it upheld.
The purpose of the indoctrination message today is to desensitize Whites to the current realities of Black life, thereby placing all the blame on Blacks for any type of achievement gaps between them and Whites. The purpose remains: absolving Whites and the U.S. Government of all blame for historical conduct that may have contributed in some small way to the current condition of Black life in America.
In other words the indoctrination is designed to make White folk believe that they and all Black folk started the achievement race with equality, at the exact same starting line; that Slavery nor any other deficit creating reality post-slavery, contributed to the head start given White folk in America!
These stereotypes of slothful buffoonery, dangerous inferior creatures have been the images painted of Black folk throughout American history. As a function of communications strategies these images are for maintaining the Just Us Philosophy that is the underpinning of Western Civilization. These stereotypes help reinforce the realities of White privilege.
Every method of communication has been used to project these Black images and stereotypes. This communications strategy and the resulting indoctrinations reinforce our racial separation and maintain a disharmony between the races. These images help to keep Black and White folk from being unified in any common purpose and goodwill.
   The recent words of Congressman Paul Ryan are rooted in these stereotypes of the Black community and Black men in particular. Now when one is confronted with the words of insult and offense from the mouth of a man like Congressman Paul Ryan, one must be mindful of the full context of not only who he is, but also the forces who he represents. We suggest that those forces are the age old forces of White indoctrination against Black folk.
Congressman Ryan is a known follower of the philosophy of the atheist Ayn Rand whose simplistic idea is human social survival of the fittest. This is an ungodly philosophy and does not comport with the teachings of Jesus Christ, as delineated throughout the Book of Matthew in Holy Scripture.
Far worse than this Ayn Rand nonsense, however, is Mr. Ryan’s admiration for the so-called social scientist of the generation, a Mr. Charles Murray. Mr. Murray has posited that Black folk are intellectually inferior to White folk. Further he posits that it is the “Great Society Programs” of President Lyndon B. Johnson that is the cause of all of the nation’s social ills. To Murray and Rand the entire "Social Safety Net" should be dismantled.
There is nothing more dangerous than a “looks like the boy next door thrilled to take home to Daddy type” that Ryan represents; spewing out Black stereotypes for the continued indoctrination of White folk. This is a Congressman who also just happens to be on the wrong side of history and the principles of Jesus Christ! The person that Ryan is a follower of; who he is so enamored with is Charles Murray. See who Murray is at the following link, please read it:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The following is Blog number thirty-nine and is part of the ongoing Racial Reconciliation in America Series. It is entitled: Race in America – White Men, Why Do You Do That?


As we consider what the Lord has brought us through, the amazing amount of information that we have been able to absorb; so much in the area of interracial interaction: we come to the conclusion that we possess knowledge meant for this time. As a fact of our life we have experienced acts of betrayal by White folk and by Black folk. The betrayal from Black folk has always come with complete shock and disbelief; producing both emotional and financial consequences only conquered by time.
All betrayal is painful. If you are a business person betrayal is costly and long-term in outcome. The experience of betrayal from White folk though it may come with a certain expectation it has the potential for a real challenge. You gotta fight that challenge with relentless resolve! Here is why.
If you are blessed to be Black: if you have suffered a loss, then the access to opportunity presents even greater barriers; the costs to enter into opportunity are more expensive. Together this means that the claw-back to success is more strenuous and precarious.
We suspect that we have spent about an equal amount of time interacting with both the Black and White race. We have learned that when there is a betrayal involving the collusion of both, well that is a real mind binder.
We experienced that some years ago with our largest business acquisition, BG Aerostructures. At the time it was the largest company of its kind in the world that was owned by Black folk, two Black men. We orchestrated the entire transaction as it was our idea. The White banker was a personal friend. The Black participant was not a friend, just an acquaintance who cheated at golf, which was our first clue! But it was he who worked at the firm and who was sent there to shut it down and fire the 225 people employed there. We convinced him that we should buy this amazing asset instead and keep the workforce.
Now, I don’t know the current life of the banker but the Black fella died of a massive heart attack within a year of his betrayal. The banker friend put the firm into the hands of his other friends who just happened to be White. We could never get an answer to the why question. We did not get the  old meaningless statement: “It’s not personal it’s just business!” So we just accepted that there was a lack of confidence in us.
Unlike his father a truly great man would not have done, the banker missed a tremendous and historical Black business opportunity. The financial loss may have been covered but the historic and long-term business potential was priceless and a once in a lifetime loss. The betrayal by the Black fella was a failure to stick with the business plan and totally a function of greed and a lack of vision. Even possessing the answer one still asks the question: why?
We ask the same question when we inquire into the historical engagement between White folk and Black folk more broadly. Why? What we have found most interesting in our assessments of life experiences, is how genuinely vile some White folk have been, in their treatment of Black folk. How they have been able to institutionalize their decisions by putting them into law is really quite something.
White folk today implement what is devastating public policy with a centuries old philosophy as the policy underpinning. The question is why? Now, we can not ask such a question of the White folk that we know because we can not imagine their conduct being so vile towards other folk. Our White friends are not these folk!

But who are these other folk? Where do these other White folk come from? Our White friends agree with us about these other White folk. As an example where did Paul Ryan come from? Somebody is eight degrees of separation from Paul Ryan. Our friends and we are of the opinion that for Black folk, Paul Ryan is a representative of what is really wrong in America today. In our next Blog post we will tell you what we are really talking about and why. So come on back!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The following is Blog number thirty-eight and is part of the ongoing Racial Reconciliation in America Series. It is entitled: Race in America – How White Men Have Offended The Black Man.


It was President Kennedy who first coined the phrase: “Affirmative Action.” President Lyndon B. Johnson, in league with Martin Luther King Jr., and other stalwart change agents, who challenged the nation to engage in a War on Poverty, moved the ball forward! Then, it was President Richard M. Nixon, who attempted to move the ball forward even further, through the implementation of the “Affirmative Action Program.”
These efforts were Post Jim Crow Law policies that were created to thwart a perceived impending Black male anarchy coming out of freedom movements of the 1960’s. From the FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover to President Richard M. Nixon there was anxiety that “Black Panther Party gun carrying Revolutionaries” were a threat to the civility of the nation.
We contend that the philosophy and momentum of Malcom X and the message of self-preservation within Black Muslim Theology struck fear in the heart of Hoover and Nixon.
The many riots in cities all across the land post-MLK assassination gave cause to fear a Black uprising that would become uncontrollable. Certainly, the “War on Poverty” and “Affirmative Action” policies were an outgrowth of this fear and they were both good ideas. We contend that the initial goal of these programs was to change the lot of the Black male in America, and thus the Black family.
We contend further that the orchestrated failures relative to policy implementation, by White men, who felt threatened by both polices, particularly “Affirmative Action” has in our judgment left this nation in great peril, socially. As the plight of the Black male continues to deteriorate, we will not be at all surprised if there is a return to the kind of Black male self-preservation efforts of the Sixties. The current level of hatred and violence toward Black men and boys has grown not retreated. Indeed, not since the late Sixties have racial tensions been at current levels.
The aforementioned public policies were good policies. They were properly focused; yes they were and they were working, perhaps too well and too rapidly. That is what led to their demise.
Flawed implementation is what caused these two programs to become failures; if goal achievement is any measurement of success. America remains a race-focused society; is not colorblind as some might like to declare. Over the past forty-years, the marginalization, of the Affirmative Action policy to change the state of Black-America; combined with its challenges to White privilege, have furthered the divisions between the races.
Anybody ever heard the phrase: “Forty Acres and a Mule?” It actually is a true story of 1865. All programs since the first failed program of restoration of the Black Family have gone the same as this promise!
[  “Land Allocation Efforts Stymied by the Johnson Administration. In the late stages of the Civil War and in its aftermath, the federal government (primarily Republicans) tried to relieve destitution among freedpeople and help them gain economic independence through attempts to allocate land. These efforts, both military and legislative, help explain why African Americans thought that compensation was attainable.
Special Field Orders No. 15, issued by Gen. William T. Sherman in January 1865, promised 40 acres of abandoned and confiscated land in South Carolina, Georgia, and northern Florida (largely the Sea Islands and coastal lands that had previously belonged to Confederates) to freedpeople.
Sherman also decided to loan mules to former slaves who settled the land. But these efforts were rolled back by President Andrew Johnson's Amnesty Proclamation of May 29, 1865. By the latter part of 1865, thousands of freedpeople were abruptly evicted from land that had been distributed to them through Special Field Orders No. 15.
Circular No. 15 issued by the Freedmen's Bureau on September 12, 1865, coupled with Johnson's presidential pardons, provided for restoration of land to former owners. With the exception of a small number who had legal land titles, freedpeople were removed from the land as a result of President Johnson's restoration program.”]

Monday, March 17, 2014

The following is Blog number thirty-seven and is part of the ongoing Racial Reconciliation in America Series. This blog entry seeks to posit Racial Reconciliation in America and is entitled – Racial Reconciliation in America – What is it?


AS IT IS WRITTEN: “But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.” (Matthew 5:23-25 : KJV). These are the words of Jesus Christ.

Webster’s Online Dictionary defines “racial” in this fashion: "ra·cial

 adjective \ˈrā-shəl\
: relating to or based on race
: existing or happening between people of different races Full Definition of RACIAL 1:  of, relating to, or based on a race <a racial minority> 2:  existing or occurring between races <racial equality>"

Webster’s Online Dictionary defines “reconcile” in this fashion: "rec·on·cile

 verb \ˈre-kən-ˌsī(-ə)l\
: to find a way of making (two different ideas, facts, etc.) exist or be true at the same time to cause people or groups to become friendly again after an argument or disagreement rec·on·ciled rec·on·cil·ing Full Definition of RECONCILE  transitive verb 1a to restore to friendship or harmony <reconciled the factions> b settle, resolve <reconcile differences>2to make consistent or congruous <reconcile an ideal with reality> 3 : to cause to submit to or accept something unpleasant<was reconciled to hardship> 4 a :  to check (a financial account) against another for accuracy b :  to account for"

Raced based reconciling in the United States of America is a quest that has never been undertaken; it was a missed opportunity at the end of Slavery, Reconstruction of the Union and at the end of the Jim Crow Laws. So we reckon that as a historical matter, harmony is by no means a description of the interchange between White folk and Black folk in the United States. The interchange of these two cultures has ranged from brutality to animus with un-forgiveness. Therefore to put in harmony that which has never known harmony fits the description: problematic. Yet, to reconcile the Black and White race is truly an amazing idea that must beg the question: what is it? What is racial reconciliation in America?
Is racial reconciliation in America a quest to create harmony between Blacks and Whites? Is this some resolving of past hatreds wrong doing and un-forgiveness? Is it an accounting, a time of reckoning between these two very different cultures? Is it merely a setting right of the historical grievances between the two races?
Perhaps racial reconciliation is all of these things. One wants more than to simply say racial reconciliation is something that people will know when they see it! Allusive like other very difficult concepts that one might speak of and has never actually seen to exist, racial reconciliation embodies the concept: miracle. We desire over a series of commentary to paint a picture of what racial reconciliation should at least look like for the sake of hope if nothing else.
Let us posit for now that racial reconciliation: is as a movement in America with goals and objectives. Included in these are:
1.  To rein in the principles behind the race based practices which pit one race against  another in America.
2. To curtail the methodologies that minimizes access to The Resource Bundle in  America.
3.  To unleash practices that will actually make America a more perfect Union.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The following is Blog number thirty-six and is part of the ongoing Racial Reconciliation in America Series. A number of posts will be made in this segment of the Series as we discuss The Black American Family. This post is entitled: The Black American Family – Enduring Foolishness.


Webster’s Online Dictionary defines the work “foolish” in this fashion : “having or showing a lack of good sense or judgment”
Full Definition of FOOLISH : 1 :  lacking in sense, judgment, or discretion 2 a :  absurd, ridiculous b :  marked by a loss of composure :  nonplussed 3 :  insignificant, trifling  fool·ish·ly adverb

You know America, there are times that watching the news is just not a good idea! We saw a report of Paul Ryan’s most recent foolishness on CNN yesterday. This is what makes our quest of Racial Reconciliation in America so necessary, next to impossible and interestingly enough very timely. We are undeterred.
You see this is the foolishness that makes America bend one way versus another in her opinion regarding Black folk generally and the plight of the Black family specifically. This type of propaganda communicated by those with the microphone such as Bill Bennett and Paul Ryan develops in other White folk: 1) a perception of Black sloth, 2) Blacks as an immoral people, 3) Blacks as intellectually weak and 4) Blacks as a violent and dangerous culture.
This is not new. This White propaganda about Black folk has always been. Even when White folk were doing all the violence while watching Black Slaves do all the labor they called them lazy. What is most foolish is that White folk like Ryan and Bennett take no consideration of the danger that they represent for today’s America.
As a nation we will choose to change our thinking about Black people and the plight of real suffering and struggle or we will continue along the path of our destruction. Some White folk may foolishly choose to believe Ryan and Bennett.
These men believe the plight of the poor has nothing to do with public policy, but rather some foolish survival of the fittest notion, as though this is a Godly thing. This is certainly not a social construct for human beings! These men and their constituency actually believe that it is the governmental social safety net that is the actual cause of urban poverty. Proclaiming get a job while not producing one piece of job creating legislation! Utter foolishness this is.
Now some White folk may even believe that the plight of the Black family is caused simply by Black sloth. We do not accept that the majority of White folk believe such foolishness. What we do believe is that the Will of White men like Paul Ryan must succumb to actual truth. We believe in a Holy Ghost truth not the atheist Ayn Rand's philosophy of survival of the fittest that Paul Ryan yet seems to follow as his truth!
Paul Ryan's policies and practices show an ignorance to truth; sustains a damaged Godless Will and must be bent unto righteousness. Now, in the dictionary a word related to the word foolish is the word dumb. White men like Paul Ryan represent a dumb and woeful foolishness of the true Black culture. Though Mr. Ryan may have dated a Black female and is rumored to have a Black sister-in law, just like Mr. Strom Thurmond who fathered a Black child, Paul Ryan clearly lacks understanding of and caring for actual Black life. He is ignorant of:
1.   The true mores of the Black man, who is actually very paternal.
2.   The awesome, painful everyday struggle of the Black family and more generally the working poor.
3.   The high intellectual prowess of the Black people historically and present day.
4. The Will of Black folk to endure the circumstances of life, endure dumb ass  White men who may be in control of power, and still rise in spite of both.

5.  The strength of Black women who must endure a society in which her boys and men represents a new form of Slavery that is the American Pipeline to Prison.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The following is Blog number thirty-five and is part of the ongoing Racial Reconciliation in America Series. A number of posts will be made in this segment of the Series as we discuss The Black American Family. This post is entitled: The Black American Family – Complete the Puzzle.


The difficulty in this stage of our discovery process on the Black family is our requirement for absolute authenticity. To a large degree the revelation requires focusing on Black disadvantage. It’s a bummer man! Such focus brings negative thought; an energy force thief! There is the urge to just say, “So what” or “What damn difference does it make” going on and on about the historical realities of White folk advantage versus Black folk disadvantage? Some might say that such a commentary as has been put forth here is really just making excuses for Black folks living in poverty and disadvantage.
As one who grew up in poverty and also overcame poverty, frankly we get it when folk say so what! There are times when we too have just said so what. You can just get tired of the discussion; however real, the facts just seem irrelevant, as they really do nothing to advance the cause of change. Then, someone else asks the question is this really true?
Is the cause of change advanced or hindered by revelations of historical White and Black interchange? Is there something to be learned from a race based discovery process? Have we not heard all of this before, meaning Blacks were Slaves and treated badly and Whites were not? So what the Civil War ended 150 years ago, and folk have been talking about that for 150 years!
            Well, therein is the American color line puzzle. We all know about the problems and what have we all done to fix the problems? How does a nation as incredible as America is; abide 150 years of talking about the devastating affects of Slavery on Black people and still allow the affects to exist? Is the answer yet another question of who cares? Perhaps the answer is simply the statement: “Fella you just can’t get there from here!”
How is it that a race based economic system that required the decimation of one people comes to an end; yet after a century and a half we have not been able to restore the progeny of the decimated? Are the progeny also being decimated? Is the economy still a race based one or just a low wage dependent low wage driven economy? Have the Brown people replaced the Black ones? Are these Brown a truly free folk; a folk who are living to work without a true homeland, as they toil daily in fear and social turmoil? Is this still a race based economy?
How is this possible that we have not fixed the Black folk problem in America considering our greatness as a nation? How is this possible? What is behind this conundrum; this racial and truly tiresome Black and White puzzle? Surely we all know it is one puzzle that this nation must complete.

What has not been tried, what puzzle pieces have not been found; if the pieces are known how can we manage to fit them together that we all be complete? When in America do we get to shout collectively: “Eureka we completed the race puzzle that our forefathers could not!” Why did we do what they did not? Well because we wanted to and they didn't! That’s why.
The following is Blog number thirty-four and is part of the ongoing Racial Reconciliation in America Series. A number of posts will be made in this segment of the Series as we discuss The Black American Family. This post is entitled: The Black American Family – Barriers to Entry.


Now, for the White human being, generational wealth is the crucial nexus of its ruling class structure and cultural stability as the Control Norm of Western Society. It is the Just Us Philosophy as we have already discussed that has over the process of time created the phenomenon called White Privilege. Some White folk deny that there is such a thing as this and some accept that it is truth.
          We contend that the phenomenon is absolutely real. We contend further that this phenomenon more than any other reality is what maintains the gap between Black and White achievement in every component of life in America.
Progenitors of our current generations traded on the sweat, goodwill and invention of the African Slave in America. There was a pass through of wealth. This progenitor wealth and its pass through, as an inheritance represented more than capital, property and all things material.
The White progenitor wealth pass through that has benefited their progeny the most; with profound and lasting affect, is the establishment of barriers to entry into opportunity. From our nation’s beginning up to now, it is the barriers to opportunity that has represented the greatest negative affect on the Black family.
The lingering affects of the Just Us Philosophy as it relates to opportunity is an inheritance. It is a wealth pass through unto all White folk living in America. Including poor White folk who may think that they have inherited nothing!
This wealth pass through is the essence of White privilege. Something inherited rather than earned; it is represented in: family name, ancestry, innate expectation to dream big, freedom of thought, movement, benefits of doubt, acceptability, financial access, trustworthiness, influence and things of authority and power.
Is your mind free to be anything desired; unfettered by the distractions of your race? Are you without the energy drain of thoughts associated with predictable racial disadvantage? Have you ever felt a loss that you could justifiably argue was due to your race? Do you spend any energy at all on your race during the day?
One is inspired or distracted by the condition of emotions, resulting from our thought life. We only have 100% of energy force to give during a 24 hour day. The ancestral pass through, of inherited White privilege, brings with it a quintessence of natural hope so powerful and so profound that it is rarely recognized nor thought of, but simply taken for granted as one lives life.
It is like unto a natural condition unrecognized. This is a hope, which precedes dreams; realized by the innate egalitarian freedoms existing solely amongst White folk. From an expectation to dream big, there is an implantation within the White psyche of a natural faith; not a spiritual faith, but a faith in the self, family or sphere of influence promise, that somebody knows somebody with some help.
The combination of this faith, hope and expectancy to dream, allows those of White privilege, to have a focus on their dreams without some deviant disadvantage to ever think about!
For Black folk, as a matter of history there has been a consistent barrier to entry into opportunity, particularly in the area of asset creation. For White folk this is a progenitor provided competitive advantage.
The result is a gap in financial equality and generational wealth achievement between Black and White families; this gap particularly in asset creation may never be overcome.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The following is Blog number thirty-three and is part of the ongoing Racial Reconciliation in America Series. A number of posts will be made in this segment of the Series as we discuss The Black American Family. This post is entitled: The Black American Family – Progenitor Connectivity, a Wealth Pass Through.


The progenitor connectivity experienced by the Jewish people is not a historical reality of the Black-American! No, for Black folk, there is no written record, from which to draw strength of culture, ancestry, and familial blood bond. The vile impact from African Slavery in America is not limited to the “Mark of Oppression;” it includes a negative psychic pass through, that facilitates this “Mark of Oppression.” Indeed, it is the loss of ancestral connectivity, that most contributes to this negative psychic pass through. Progenitor wealth does not exist for American born Black folk!
We contend that there is nothing beyond Salvation through Jesus Christ, which is more important spiritually to the individual, than family and cultural affirming generational connectivity! Progenitor connectivity that is so real and beneficial for the Jewish people; due to Slavery in America, this is something dispossessed of the Black-American. We contend that this is a most egregious reality and a suffering of the Black family in today’s America!
Now, as a practical matter, there is also the principle of progenitor familial wealth pass through, which has a profound affect on an entire culture or race of people. The ability of a family of people: to sweat and toil, to produce both capital and property assets, affects their progeny’s creation of capital and material wealth in the form of familial assets! The progenitor provides a base foundation on which the progeny further builds.
As a family gains wealth, it is able to pass any remaining wealth forward unto its generational lineage as a legacy. It is a powerful thing to be able to say: “My grandfather left me this trust fund!” Or “This property has been in our family for generations!” “Our family served in the Revolutionary War!” “My daddy’s great, great grandfather was a General in the Confederacy and we kept this plantation!”
There are limited few Black Americans alive today who can make these claims! Pride of accomplishment inventiveness and the wealth or property pass through is a progenitor decision. For American born Black folk theft is the reality of ancestral pass-through!
Indeed there are American citizens alive today, whose progenitor’s wealth creation came as a result of Black-American Slavery; in fact, from the trading in slaves. The historical war of White folk against the Black familial structure and stability has profoundly impacted negatively upon Black-American wealth creation. We dare say that it has prevented it!
The theft of sweat and invention; its devaluing as an equity asset is a most egregious offense! Think about the affect of centuries of not passing through the profits from your sweat, goodwill and invention. Think about someone else’s progeny benefitting from this offering to the world, but not your progeny. It could cause a sense of rage to a right thinking person, who is alive and possessing this knowledge.
Therefore it is wise to keep this knowledge buried, indeed the entire lineage hidden. When compared to the White human beings in America who have benefited greatly from the wealth of an ancestry; who in their own sloth, lived off of the sweat of Black folk: well it is a great wonder that Black Americans fare as well, today, as they do.

But for God, and a deep spiritual connection with God, in the majority of the ancestry of Black people since landing on this continent, their lot, would, likely, be total madness! If one considers the matter of Black on Black crime today, one could say that there is certainly some element of self-destructive madness within the Race.

Monday, March 10, 2014

The following is Blog number thirty-two and is part of the ongoing Racial Reconciliation in America Series. A number of posts will be made in this segment of the Series as we discuss The Black American Family. This post is entitled: The Black American Family - FAMILY IS A BASIC NEED.


Surely there is little debate that familial structure in some form is important; who would think a stable family is not a good thing? We contend that there is nothing: about a people’s cultural development, vitality, unified strength and indeed the forward march of a people than familial stability. Stability leads to strength! Further, a peoples knowledge about their progenitors, ancestry and historical familial hierarchy matters greatly.
To current generations the presence of a mom and dad is typically accepted as a good thing. Of course today there are varying opinions of this traditionalist view.
We contend there is a good purpose to be found in knowing one’s grandparents and great grandparents, if, this is at all possible. On both sides of the gene pool a productive relationship with one’s progenitor is priceless in our judgment both spiritually and as a practical matter.
Having a connection with the uncles and the aunts on both sides of the gene pool is also a good thing, if, this is possible. Family is a basic need for the overall common welfare of any culture!
We dare say that one of the most profound spiritual and character strengths of the Jewish people, by way of example, rests upon their progenitor knowledge. Intimate knowledge of: one’s lineage of challenge, historical achievements, social investment, victories and defeats as a whole people cannot be priced. Familial legacy matters!
The Jewish culture, which man has attempted more than once to wipe from the face of the earth, is God’s picture of the profound importance progenitor connectivity plays, in cultural strength on every level. Progenitor knowledge advances cultural survival.
We do not doubt that more than any other peoples the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is a traceable lineage, a multiple millennial ancestry, if you will, that is to some individuals traceable.
To an equal degree, we do not believe this to be more true of any other people. This, in part, explains their resiliency in persecutions; in their falling and rising as a collective Jewish people.
The reality that one has not, in present day met any “ites” except an Israelite; demonstrates the hand of God that is upon this people! The Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites and all of the other “ites” who warred against the Israelite familial structure did not survive a unified history.

Though, at numerous times, on the historical stage, the Israelite people have been an oppressed people; if there is a “Mark of Oppression,” it is very hard to see the negative affects of it!
We contend that the importance of familial memory and ancestral knowledge of legacy has played a principal role in the forward march of the Jewish people.
The profound capacity, of the Jewish people to pass forward the history of their lineage; by using the capability of a historically secured written record, is likely, one of the most impactful events in all of human history.
The following is Blog post number thirty-one and is actually a repost of the very first Blog entry: It comes from the Cover Flap of the book BECOME PERFECT 2007©.


"If one were to actually apply the Spirit, indeed the principles of Christ to the Christian Faith and through that prism, view the functional definition of Conservatism, then, one can only judge that Christian Conservatism is a shadow. It is not real.
          Evaluating through the prism of fruits from conduct, one must conclude, that Christian Conservatism is not Christ-like in conduct by its leadership, or in the movements results.
          Represented by the so called Religious Right, as a movement with fruit bearing conduct, Christian Conservatism, has done enormous damage to the Christian Faith in America. Indeed the Christian Faith has been high-jacked by the Religious Right!
          Causing some who may have proclaimed the Faith, such shame of association, they prefer “Spiritual” as their label, rather than Christian. Yet, they believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior.
          Webster defines Conservatism in this fashion: “The disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit change.”
          The Church of America must indeed become the reality of Conservatism as to the Faith, not the shadow of it. An Almighty God has called and chosen, a lowly, unheard of Black Preacher from Kansas, to bring a word of correction unto the Church of America, as the end of effort draws nigh for those born prior to the year 1950.
          In this hour, it is these folk who represent the great burden on the Christian Faith. At top of mind for this particular generation, is the compelling history that leaves America as a divided house; with manifold divisions as the prism for viewing the world.
          The Religious Right has become the loudest voice of this divide; as a shadow within Christian Conservatism. Which by its fruit as a movement in America is not actually conservative by definition, but rather it is radicalism!
           In this radicalism, of shadow within a shadow, the adherence to the commandments and traditions of Jesus Christ have become marginalized.
           Within the pages of Become Perfect, Brother H. Jeffery Harris, an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ attempts to restore unto the Church of America, that which must be preserved: the life example, the teachings, and the principles of Jesus Christ that became a Faith, called Christianity.
           This book seeks to reveal the shadows, and reestablish the traditionalist mores of Jesus Christ, for engaging humanity as handed down by the Son of a living God!
           With a profound hope, that the Church of America will receive correction; in so doing, implement the behavioral principles delivered through the Word of an Almighty God: a Word with unyielding expectations about those who are loved by Him!
           At the end of the effort, Become Perfect is a work of faith, and a discovery of God’s truth. And what is that truth? His Father sacrificed Jesus for all humanity; Jesus Christ has left it to individuals to do His sacrifice, which is to love.

           An individual’s love for their neighbor represents the Blood-Sacrifice of Jesus Christ! Now, how is this love revealed? Through our daily conduct, one human to another in forgiveness, mercy, truth and grace, Christ’s love is unmistakable."

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The following is Blog post number thirty and is in response to some talk as to whether or not Ronald Reagan was a great President. This post is an excerpt from the book Become Perfect 2007©. Alterations are only made in formatting for easier reading and clarity.



[There may be significant changes seen in some pockets of the Southern Regions of America: the South, yet, represents the significant racial and cultural divide in this country; the deep divisions between the two political parties cannot be clearer. The battles between Republicans and Democrats rage; there seems to be no middle ground between the cultural divide that remains. After all these years, the divide, is essentially, a North versus the South battle of wills and values, principally along racial lines.
The South favors the Iraq War; the North is against it! The North favors a “Woman’s Choice;” the South is against it! The North favors “Pop Culture;” the South is against it! For nearly four hundred years, there has been the matter of race in America, as it relates to our distribution of The Resource Bundle, combined with, the Concentric Circle of Peace. The North would champion a more fair distribution; the South will fight against it!
Since President Ronald Reagan, comity has left the building! If one looks at the events since President Kennedy and Johnson, who were trying to properly affect The Resource Bundle, no President, has done more to damage race relations in America, than President Ronald Reagan. In fact, President Reagan, did more to set race relations backward, than any President in recent history! And if one is to hold the title of "Greatest President" or even a "Great President" it would seem to this author that would would at least act like they favored all peoples. This man showed no such interest!
Indeed one would have to look back, to Andrew Johnson, to find a President, with a more negatively transformative affect on Black folk in America! Reagan’s election campaign in 1980, reinstituted the States Rights debate, which had been subordinated, to some degree, by both of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965.
These two Acts were established, to enfranchise, the Black-American people. Reagan’s voice, defeated Affirmative Action, as a method to make The Resource Bundle an egalitarian reality in America.
Reagan, was against: both the Civil and Voting Rights Acts, the Affirmative Action policy, the Martin Luther King Holiday; he was overridden, when he vetoed the bill, for America to put sanctions against the South African government, for their “Just Us Philosophy” White privilege system of Apartied!
Though Reagan may be the “King” of the Conservative Community, his efforts in the 1980’s to curtail the forward march of the Civil Rights Movement, were not lost on Black folk. Reagan’s efforts and judgments were about favoring White privilege and constricting The Resource Bundle!
His Presidency was for some, and it was not for all! We contend, that all President’s have a responsibility, to create a more Perfect Union; this means to produce a truly egalitarian society, in my judgment. Many Presidents, have failed at the moral principle of caring for “the least of these;” in this moral challenge, most assuredly, President Reagan failed miserably!

He had no desire for such a thing as egalitarianism, but rather for a deviant disadvantage based Capitalism that mainly rewards White privilege and the rich. His greatest accomplishment in my view was a restoration of our love for our soldiers, but we give credit to ending the Cold War to George H. W. Bush!]