Friday, February 7, 2014

The following is Blog post number ten and it is part of the Black History Month series Racial Reconciliation In America: It is entitled The Concentric Circle of Peace - Part One Disparity of Work


So then, what is the single most powerful issue that hinders harmonious relations among the races in America? What is the one thing that if fixed would resolve racial animus? Fundamentally the race issue in America is the issue of the Black male being able to engage in a quality of life equal to that of the White male. Quality of life for the Black male in America has always been an issue of work that leads to a stabilized Black familial structure.
The disparity between Black men and White men in income distribution from work is the fundamental issue of race in America: Post Slavery Reconstruction Era, Jim Crow Era, Civil Rights Movement Era, and continuing through the Affirmative Action Era. This remains so even now in the early beginnings of the 21st Century. As yet, no sustained effort has been made to overcome the economic, physical and psychological forcible suppression of the Black man during the American Slave economy. Through their progeny the legacy of Black Slaves has been passed forward in continued daily asset deprived struggle. The struggle relates to the disparity between Black and White men and it is all about labor and the benefits from working.
Most Americans are aware of the fact that as it relates to high quality employment America has become an education driven society. We have outsourced low-end work to lower wage nations. A strong back and thick fingers carry less value in today’s America. Even so, we remain convinced that by necessity, the historical disparity between Black men and White men relative to work and the benefits derived thereby must be addressed.
Many people believe today; not just White people, that our race problem resolution is contained in a simplistic thought – all we can do now is just “forgive and forget the past.” Reality, however, makes certain that forgetfulness is not likely because disenfranchisement and criminality against Black men still happens. There are similarities yet today in the form of labor theft and many Black mothers and fathers worry about the safety of their young Black son every single day in America.
The Black voting right is often impaired; men are yet lynched without cause and some are even today imprisoned for their labor without fair justice. These are facts of a current day America and are a clear daily reminder for Black men of a more dangerous and not too distant past. As such it is not sensible because of daily reminders of the past, to ask Black folk to simply forget a past that is in many ways still current.  Nor is this unfortunately an acceptable solution in the quest for racial reconciliation in America. How wonderful it would be if change were that simplistic.
Forgiveness represents a challenge and is not likely, at least and until there has been some national admission/confession and contrition. For what act/s would such forgiveness be given? Clearly more than forgiving and forgetting must be done if racial reconciliation is to happen. In other words racial reconciliation in America is a long shot at best while a worthy hope for which to strive. We contend that our very civility demands a true focus on the issue of racial reconciliation.
We suspect that this is why the Spirit of God has proclaimed that revelation must come before reconciliation can be had. There must be a vastly attended national dialogue and forums for unity on the issues of race in America. We contend that solutions can be found and implemented that will resolve the historical deficit between Black and White men as it relates to the quality of life in this country. So we embark from a beginning that is the task of revelation.
Now, as a people desiring peace within our borders we Americans simply must strive to reconcile our past and the consequences of our many divisions. Our divisions are a function of actions and consequences. This is like a circular event of offence that produces fear, guilt, anger shame and resentment; that roles forward unto another offence and then yet another offence with no efforts at resolution.
We make no efforts to stop the cycle of foolishness that prevents constructive and intentionally orchestrated race based dialogue, which will lead to some problem resolution quest. Yes we need a dialogue no matter what it takes that will continue until a change comes! Fear guilt anger shame resentment: yea, these are forces held within a collective subconscious of tens of millions of people in all races across this nation. Most of them old folks who do not even want to see a meaningful life change in this country that is based in race. This must change.
Slavery and Jim Crow Era laws in America robbed Black men and women of their benefits from work. The lack of work meant no asset development. No assets meant there was nothing materially valuable to pass forward to the children of Slavery. No estates foundations and trust funds! Not even an original name and traceable ancestry was passed forward. However, the shame of a nonexistent prideful heritage was passed forward. For a vast majority of Black men so great a shame existed that limited to no discussion of their father’s father or his past was carried forward. Folk did not talk about their Slave ancestry until it recently became hip to do so.
Rather than assets what was passed forward was a subconscious of: fear guilt anger shame bitterness and resentments and for many hatred that remains even in this very hour. In other words there was no peace that was passed forward; as such, today we must endeavor to envision a circular reality of peace in America; as a methodology for action let us employ it to overcome the actions of this nation’s Founders and forefathers. This is an overcoming that must be done by all races in America not just Black folk.

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