Monday, March 10, 2014

The following is Blog number thirty-two and is part of the ongoing Racial Reconciliation in America Series. A number of posts will be made in this segment of the Series as we discuss The Black American Family. This post is entitled: The Black American Family - FAMILY IS A BASIC NEED.


Surely there is little debate that familial structure in some form is important; who would think a stable family is not a good thing? We contend that there is nothing: about a people’s cultural development, vitality, unified strength and indeed the forward march of a people than familial stability. Stability leads to strength! Further, a peoples knowledge about their progenitors, ancestry and historical familial hierarchy matters greatly.
To current generations the presence of a mom and dad is typically accepted as a good thing. Of course today there are varying opinions of this traditionalist view.
We contend there is a good purpose to be found in knowing one’s grandparents and great grandparents, if, this is at all possible. On both sides of the gene pool a productive relationship with one’s progenitor is priceless in our judgment both spiritually and as a practical matter.
Having a connection with the uncles and the aunts on both sides of the gene pool is also a good thing, if, this is possible. Family is a basic need for the overall common welfare of any culture!
We dare say that one of the most profound spiritual and character strengths of the Jewish people, by way of example, rests upon their progenitor knowledge. Intimate knowledge of: one’s lineage of challenge, historical achievements, social investment, victories and defeats as a whole people cannot be priced. Familial legacy matters!
The Jewish culture, which man has attempted more than once to wipe from the face of the earth, is God’s picture of the profound importance progenitor connectivity plays, in cultural strength on every level. Progenitor knowledge advances cultural survival.
We do not doubt that more than any other peoples the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is a traceable lineage, a multiple millennial ancestry, if you will, that is to some individuals traceable.
To an equal degree, we do not believe this to be more true of any other people. This, in part, explains their resiliency in persecutions; in their falling and rising as a collective Jewish people.
The reality that one has not, in present day met any “ites” except an Israelite; demonstrates the hand of God that is upon this people! The Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites and all of the other “ites” who warred against the Israelite familial structure did not survive a unified history.

Though, at numerous times, on the historical stage, the Israelite people have been an oppressed people; if there is a “Mark of Oppression,” it is very hard to see the negative affects of it!
We contend that the importance of familial memory and ancestral knowledge of legacy has played a principal role in the forward march of the Jewish people.
The profound capacity, of the Jewish people to pass forward the history of their lineage; by using the capability of a historically secured written record, is likely, one of the most impactful events in all of human history.

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