The following is Blog post
number twenty-seven and is part of the Racial Reconciliation Series, it is
entitled: How Do White Folk Offend Black Folk –PART SIX – The Mark of Oppression,
A Psyche Hold Over of Historical and Current Events
How Do White Folk Offend
Black Folk
Part Six – Mark of
A Psyche Hold Over of Historical
and Current Events
we look in on history and Black folk, we do not neglect the significant
contributions of people of African descent. It is factually correct that in
communicating the history of the world White folk have appropriated many Black
achievements to be their own. Often left out of White history’s record is the
Black achiever. The question is why have they done this, for what reason?
contend that it is human nature that one wants to be considered the greatest. Who
is the greatest race of people is likely an irrelevant indeed fruitless
discovery. We contend that White Black Red Yellow and Brown folk are all great
races of people; has been the greatest in their sphere of existence at a time
of God’s choosing.
Black rule and dominance of early Western Civilization, we accept a view that
early Greece
and Roman societies were indeed heavily influenced by ancestry that is nonwhite.
Who does not want to claim the great conquerors of the world in history as
there own? To find the first great ruler one can go as far back as the Book of
Genesis. As the great and mighty Nimrod, son of Cush and great grand son of Noah is
considered by some to be the first great king.
course being in the lineage of Cush
he would thereby also be of color. Some are even of the opinion that both men
Julius Cesar and Alexander the Great were of colored ancestry. That would be
interesting discovery. We have no reason to doubt that people of color ruled at
the beginning of Western Civilization, and thus prior to 1492.
real question is why does it even matter? One of the great biases of African
Slavery in America
is the elimination of this history of Black rule in telling history. This voiding of Black history and appropriating Black achievement is one of many weapons used By White folk to dominate the Will of the Black African Slave. Indeed the attempted exclusion of
African-centric dominance in recorded World History is just one example of the
White human beings power and control over the critical resource of
communications. The shame for the Black American, is having to admit that it
was Black rule in Africa that helped to create
American Slavery in the first place.
is the delivery of information and he who holds the power of framing the
narrative often writes history to the benefit of one’s own purposes. If that
purpose is maintaining control over the world’s resources one communicates
historical realities to their benefit. If one wants to be known as the race
that is dominate and superior as some White supremacist have historically wanted,
then that is the lens through which history is told. If one has the wherewithal
that makes re-framing history possible, well we have seen that occur. Can there be any question that
communications played a vital role in the development of the African Slavery
one wants to create an economy that is based on free labor then one implements
a Slave system. If one implements a Slave system based economy one must also
institute a system of controls over their Slave resource. If one wants to
establish such controls the first thing after the capture of the Slave is to
begin an implementation process of abject domination and psychological
indoctrination of their Slave resource and those who benefit from or endure the
Slavery system.
is a vital part of the apparatus of the Slave resource management system. It is
still vital today. Framing all manner of communications is one of the benefits
of conquering much of the world since 1492, and communications has helped the
White human being hold power. The “Mark of Oppression” is facilitated by the
awareness of historical events, wherein the White human being has demonstrated
a capacity to inflict violence on folk when felt threatened.
see this capacity today as we hear of unarmed young Black men being killed by someone
White and claiming fear for their life. Black folk claim murder of sons and
brothers. Yet because of mass communications it is the young Black boy who is portrayed
as and believed to be the most violent. This is an offense because all Black
folk know that White folk have nothing to fear from young Black boys!
have seen the exercise of massive violence with impunity. Globally, this was
demonstrated by our “Shock and Awe” War on Iraq ; a war of choice not one of
necessity. The United States
was not threatened by Iraq .
This is an extreme example of the same root of cause and capability, which
says: “I feel threatened so I have the right of preemptive cause and affect.”
Inside America ,
the root of this same Will and the capability to exert this Will, has been
demonstrated by White terrorist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan. This is an
organization with a legendary reputation of brutality and atrocities against
Blacks, Catholics and Jews throughout America .
the root is the spirit of Anti-Christ. The Klan as an organized American White
terrorist group continues to remain, as a legally authorized organization to
this very day. It has thousands of members in America , in the year of our Lord
two thousand and fourteen. This is a national disgrace! The question should be
asked: “How does an organization: historically known to have done acts of
terror upon Blacks, Jews and Catholics, be allowed to remain incorporated in America ;
what is wrong with this picture?” White privilege is what, is wrong with this
picture! No known terrorist group, whatever, the ethnicity, should be legally
authorized to operate in this nation!
their strength, historically, has been influenced by economic conditions facing
the country and the desire of White terrorists to maintain their perception of
White supremacy. During the period just before the Great Depression; not all that long ago, membership in the Klan was at its zenith with “many
millions” of members. This is a terrorist group whose historical works of terror
are equal to that of Al Qaeda today.
a group as Al Qaeda, if known to exist on American soil; that could be found,
would be detained forthwith! We contend, that both the Klan and any known
members of Al Qaeda should be exiled; as their agenda of oppression and terror
should be banned from American soil. The Ku Klux Klan has never been,
officially condemned or labeled by the Congress of the United States, as a
terrorist organization; though, it is well known that terror has been their
legacy, and White supremacy their desired agenda.
of Black folk principally through exacted terror is a Klan method. Very seldom
has imprisonment of a Klan member happened, because like Al Qaeda, these are
hooded cowards who can after taking off their hoods; they blend into the
mainstream of society. Such are often in positions of power and influence, and
many are known to have been members of the United States Congress! There is a
high probability that there is a member of Congress affiliated with the Klan
today in 2014. The Klan functions legally because of White privilege! This is
an offense to Black folk.
see, beloved, we must understand that the spirit of the Anti-Christ, that
spiritual force of the devil, is that which: orchestrates and spawns our
divisions, our lies, and violence of acted out hatred; murders and lynching’s,
and our thoughts of supremacy one over another. But if you are one who claims
the Christian Faith, then you are bound to a conduct that exemplifies the teachings
of our Savior Jesus Christ, and the things of God and heaven!
one claims the Christian Faith, one simply cannot execute harmful actions upon
another, in order to fulfill some self-preservationist rationale. The Klan are
terrorists believing that their destructive activities are acceptable and
involves a sort of righteous cause. Such is the delusion of unrighteousness.
The anti-Christ is the author of all oppression as well as White supremacist
thought. Indeed, the devil is the author of the “Just Us Philosophy,” embedded
in Western Civilization, and White privilege. You know a thing by its fruit, and
there are always consequences. God will remember and Jesus Christ will judge.
This is not an accusation but an exhortation of fact.
those who claim Jesus, we all must do what our Savior Jesus Christ and the
Father demand of us. Even to the relinquishment of the self, at times this is
required. This is a hard thing for all of us; yet it is demanded by God. If you
are in Christ, you honor what is declared in the Word of God, the Holy Bible;
to do counter to this, is to do the work of the Anti-Christ, the devil. There
are always consequences; God is not mocked, without the severest of
consequences. To do evil acts in His name is to mock, a fierce and Almighty
God! We suspect that many, who are affiliated with the KKK, would fight you if
you said they were not a Christian! We say to you that you are not a Christian
and are in fact a servant of sin and the devil. The Ku Klux Klan is of the
anti-Christ, the devil!
you are a true Christian, you are called by God into a body of believers of one
blood: flowing through: a collective body covered by the skin of many colors.
As such, committing heinous acts of brutality for the sake of race or anything
else for that matter is to be living a lie. Let truth be told by the witness
that this is the Word of God.
it is written witness number one: “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord,
beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in
love; Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your
calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all who is
above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given
grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:1-7, KJV).
Again, as it is written witness
number two: “And he gave some, apostles, and some, prophets; and some,
evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints,
for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we
all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of
God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness
of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and
carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning
craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in
love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even
Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11-15, KJV).
Again, as it is written, witness
number three: “If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as
the truth is in Jesus; That ye put off concerning the former conversation
the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed
in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God
is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore putting away lying,
speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.
Be ye angry, and sin not: let
not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil.
Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his
hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good
to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers, And grieve
not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let
all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put
away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another,
tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath
forgiven you.” (Ephesians, 4:21-32, KJV).
on these three witnesses, from the Spirit of God, know the seriousness of which
we speak. God is speaking forth expectations of behavior unto all who claim
that they belong to Jesus Christ. Let our debts not be counted as destruction
of one another, but instead, let us all help one another to achieve a more
perfect Body of Christ the Church. In so doing let us reconcile with one
another what we all know is a dark history.
are called to a unity of humanity, that is without spot or blemish! Beloved, I
declare unto you that any man or woman, as an example, who is a member of the
Ku Klux Klan, current and past who has not disavowed their membership and
repented of any affiliation, or acts perpetrated by this American terrorist
group, is a servant of the spirit of Anti-Christ the devil. Such is in route to
a place called hell! You cannot say that you belong to Christ and be affiliated
with any such group of darkness or agenda and also claim Jesus as Lord.
as those who call themselves Al Qaeda are going to hell for their sins against
God and humanity; so shall every unrepentant member of the Ku Klux Klan!
Therefore, for your very soul’s sake, I urge you to leave this group entirely;
if you have any affiliation with it; plead this for any member of your family
or friends of your family. The business of your soul salvation is very serious
business, for there are always consequences.
dare, say, those who support and promote either a separatist and divisionary
agenda are in spiritual danger. We exhort truth unto you on this matter as God
has so called us to do; one might be well served to read the Book of Ephesians
for clarity sake. Let not one be a called “minister of God” and then fraternize
with such organized darkness; as some have and even now do. This fraternization
is a gross sin against God and their responsibility of ministry.
are known as you have declared yourselves. All such are frauds and servants of
the spirit of Anti-Christ. For what hath light to do with darkness, but for the
purpose of eliminating darkness? Every White preacher, called by God, must
speak out against those who would act to maintain: both White privilege and
White supremacist thought and action. The same is true for those who claim such
and are Black! All such as this is an offense before God.
inferiority contains an assumption of mediocre lowliness. This provokes the
questions: “Are the superior/supreme, so, because of their ability to garner
weaponry so they can control others; or, are they actually mediocre, because of
the need to be in command of others; then, possess what they have? Is it
superiority to dominate others in order to manipulate the sphere of play? Is
one supreme because one has been able to establish, by weaponry, the mechanism
to control, dominate and influence all things?”
true power representing superiority is contained, within the spirit and soul of
the materially dominated, which yet, possess the inward stuff to compete and
win though facing a manipulated system. Perhaps the superior is the one who
must work twice as hard to be half as good; at the end of the effort becoming
the actual overachiever.
the superior, is the one so feared that constructs against them are felt, as
absolutely necessary in order to manipulate a competition to defeat them. Such manipulation
can not produce true victory, but rather the accusation of guilt. We wonder if
that one, who is so considered as inferior, is actually superior simply because
they are so feared. If we are certain of anything, it is that the “White
Supremacist” like the “Black Supremacist” is not only an oxymoron, but those
who embrace such thought are indeed representative of mediocre humanity.
who require a manipulated competition, seemingly, cannot compete on a level
field of play and win, based either on the strength of intellect or character.
Fear to compete without manipulation is actually indicative of sloth and a soul
complex of inferiority. So we find that there is likely no superior or inferior
humanity; there is simply, the authority over weapons control and ideas; in the
hands of one race more than another.
key capacity is that of mass communication that is possessed by White folk.
This capacity has been used over the process of time to develop a sense of
inferiority within the Black race; a belief and an attitude of superiority among
the White race. To Black folk this is an offense. The use of mass
communications by White folk in America
has implanted upon the soul of Black folk, the Mark of Oppression.
encourage all readers of every race, particularly the White race, to go to the following:
which is an overview of the final report called: “The Oklahoma Commission on
the Race Riot of Tulsa 1921.” I do not know how valid Wikipedia is, but there
is a very revealing account there as well. By history standards this event is
counted, as recent, having occurred in 1921. Also, known as the “Black Wall Street ”
the Greenwood Avenue
district of Tulsa, Oklahoma
was in a day burnt to the ground. Destroying great Black wealth this event
eliminated one of the most significant demonstrations of Black self-reliance in
American history.
White riot event is one of the most monumental offenses perpetrated by White
folk against Black folk in America !
This riot event, took place during the great oil boom of the Southwest. The Greenwood Avenue
district was the wealthiest Black community in America at the time! This entirely
Black district, which included some 1,256 homes, along with its banks, and
numerous commercial buildings, hospitals and schools were burned totally and
completely to the ground by the Ku Klux Klan, a legalized terrorist group.
to the Wikipedia account, there are estimates that some 300 Blacks on the
low-end, to a possible high of 3,000 Black human beings were murdered in a span
of just 24 hours on May 31 thru June 1, 1921. Sadly, suspected mass-grave
sites, to this very day, have not, been allowed to be discovered! This is known
to be the greatest atrocity on record in the recent history of our nation. We
are surprised; no movie that we know of has ever been done, based on this truly
historical event!
were estimated to be some 10,000 members of the Ku Klux Klan in the area with
many of them in attendance at this riot. We contend that it is this type of
history, for which we must seek a healing of our collective conscience and be
reconciled with the help of an Almighty God. For this is not a Slave story that
fuels the Mark of Oppression, no this is a Jim Crow Era story; truly an era of
expansion of the Mark!
ones great sadness, this is not the only event of its type! According to the
Wikipedia account, in January 1923 in Rosewood, Florida , there was another terrorist attack
on a smaller scale. It is interesting that there was a movie made of Rosewood and not of the Tulsa event. Not one White human being was either arrested, charged, or
punished for either of these atrocities!
State did not protect its Black citizens in any of these terrorist attacks.
This is a gross and vivid example, of White privilege. The lack of personal
accountability: demonstrated by prosecuting justice, and recompense; lends credence
to the impression, that this terrorist activity, if you are White, is allowable
in America .
This is not an accusation rather this is an exhortation of fact.
to reports, although, there were some financial accommodations made to the
families of the Rosewood attack, the only reparations paid in the Tulsa massacre was for
the cartridges that were used by Whites to shoot maim and kill Blacks. Even for those who
do not feel oppressed, these are historical realities that are difficult to put
out of memory, and say: “I forgive it!” Yet one must; as this is what Almighty
God requires! Forgetting is an impossibility and made evermore difficult because the KKK has never been
outlawed in this nation as a terrorist group.
terrorist agenda has never been, formally, repudiated by the U.S. Government!
Why did these acts happen in America
against Blacks in particular? Why are there still such resentments and even
hatreds among some? These are the questions that we should be discussing in
this hour! Why, are we so angry racially, is another question that must be
explored! Yes we must ask these question and have our frank and judicious racial discussions; more than this, we must find a way to reconcile our history!
contend, that all organizations like the Ku Klux Klan in their thirst for
“White Power” using terror as the prime instrument of control, have done the
greatest disservice to all within the White race. This is an exact example of
what humanity must not be! Just as Al Qaeda has high jacked the acceptable
principles of the Muslim Faith, so too has the Klan been a blemish on the
character, heart and responsibility of the White citizens: “to create a more
Perfect Union,” in America. The spirit of historical accusations flies; it must
be defeated and the forces of hatred must be overcome as well.
We pray, that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
will engage in a “Damascus Road ”
experience with the principal leaders of today’s Ku Klux Klan and deliver them
unto victory, which is only received in Christ Jesus. That they, in turn, will
then lead, those who serve their words, making it into a changed word: that
“White Power” like “Black Power” is not of God! Right now they are being led to
hell! For the only righteous power, is the power of a forgiving God; God seeks
our souls, the soul of every man, to set them free to love, and to
forgive, in truth and mercy! Be ye not deceived, just as there is most assuredly a heaven there is a place called hell; it is there for the un-repented hateful servant of the enemy of God.
Forgiveness truth mercy, and the spirit of love: yea, these
are the powers in which we are all challenged to walk beloved! The believer in a
White Supremacist ideology must answer to Jesus Christ, and the Black
Supremacist must do the same.
At the end of the effort, we shall all stand
before the Lord and the question will be: “What have you done in this body!
Have you followed my Father’s commandments?” The acts described, have occurred
in America
against Black-Americans, because of: the social indoctrination of the so-called underclass, by the Oligarchy and it continues today.
Let us not prefer one above another beloved. The Just Us Philosophy, it’s
product of White privilege and the Mark of Oppression that they have together produced, are an
abomination before God! Therefore let them all be rejected! Let us with God's help heal our hearts and our minds.
As we reconcile our history and ourselves one unto another; in the victory of a common hope for a better tomorrow for our children and their children's children, yea let us all strive unto this hope beloved. Let America endure because we decided to make America endure.
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