Thursday, February 27, 2014

The following is Blog post number twenty-five and is part of the Racial Reconciliation in America Series, in honor of Black History Month; it is entitled: WHY



Who what when where how and why, but most importantly why! That is not the traditional order of these important questions that we learned in English class as kids. “How” usually came last. When engaged in any Consulting activity that was always the order of questioning for the discovery process that I believed lead to a good conclusion. W-H-Y! Why daddy?
I so miss that and those days. We are persuaded that when a kid gets to the age of irritant is also that age of memorable learning. When a kid asks the question “why” it is a thirst for knowledge and then it turns into something else, as it becomes a just let me p^^s you off situation. Every parent has had that experience and we all know that “because I said so” is generally not the truth, though the answer at the time.
The reason that WHY, is the most important question is because WHY is the question that must be asked if you want the truth behind the answers to all other questions. Why is going to the second level of discovery. Why leads to the revealing of choices/decisions that have been made. Why leads to revelation of responsibility and the accountability for outcomes. The consequences reveal what happened after a decision, but “why” tells the story leading up to and through a decision. Why tells the story of consequences. "How" will help discover ways to deal with strategy and consequences; the why answers the questions regarding the appropriate and most effective response.
Why leads us to the best possible who. Why discovers the real what. Why delivers the record and timing of when. Why shows us the importance of where. Why reveals the methods objectives strategies practice and principles of the how. Who what when where how and most importantly WHY!
It is in this context that the revelations associated with a Racial Reconciliation Movement in America can be viewed. The challenge of the revelation and discovery process is frankly just staying with it! This is a difficult and some suggest impossible undertaking and yet it is a worthy quest in which to engage.
Who in America would not want to be free of our race problem? What is preventing us from turning our race problem into a national victory, an asset rather than a source of hatred in America? When can we as a collective citizenry look at one another with gratitude and respect as we all bring greatness as a mostly unified people called Americans? Where will America end up if we do not wage war on our divisions? How will we reconcile our bitterness hatred resentments guilt and un-forgiveness if we will not even try? The answer is revealed through a discovery process with the questions WHY and WHY NOT!!

There will likely always be a large body of citizens who will not let go of their hatreds and desire for division. Can we not seek to reduce the tens of millions to something greatly less? Come on Church in America let’s give it a go! Let us as the Body of Christ live up to the call for righteousness in America! Besides 76% of us say that we are a Christian. Let's prove that to be true and reconcile our racial divisions.
This is Blog post number twenty-three, and it is entitled C'MON MAN!
"For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work" (James 3:16 KJV).

Obama embraces a lifelong cause: Helping minority boys succeed
In the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting, the president asked his team to help give the nation’s young black men a better shot.

After I read this story on about the President yesterday I decided to read some of the comments. I also read some of the comments on Huffington Post. As I recall there were over 11,000 comments on one of the sites; l don't remember which site. In total, I read about fifty of the comments. Not even one of them was complimentary! No not One! We all should know and the comments that I read confirmed it: If President Obama had done this in his first term of office he would not have had a second term.

Considering what young Black and Brown men are going through in America is this not what every President should be doing? I am persuaded that there is likely no bigger problem to fix! I so admired what President Bush did and tried to do in Africa. As great as our missionary efforts are around the world why is it such a bad idea to fix what we must fix in America? Why can we not do what we know we must? Is it a good idea to continue to have a Black Man Pipeline to Prison in America? Every parent or grandparent of a Black boy who loves them worries over them. We should not have to and that we must is a national sin and a damn disgrace! Now I accept that young White men are going through a rough patch. They are not in a Pipeline to Prison, like young Black boys are, if they can stay alive long enough to get to prison!

"Communicated everyday to young Black men in America, is this message, you must manage to: 1) stay alive, 2) not get locked up in jail or in a federal prison, unlike so many of your brethren, 3) make a living without an available job, 4) get a good base education in a school system that does not offer one near you, 5) get a loan and start a business with bad credit, 6) develop good credit with no job, 7) stay well with no healthcare, 8) never have sexual intercourse, 9) provide for the child that comes if and when you do have sexual intercourse, and 10) even if an underground job is the only job available to take care of the child, do not work in the underground economy to do so. That's right even though that is the only economy where you live don't work in it."

The many comments that I read yesterday prompted me to write one of my own in reply to a most hateful comment toward the President and this is what I wrote:

" Just happened to read some of the comments from the article about President Obama finally wanting to do something about the plight of young Black men. The level of hatred that White Folk have for Black Folk is sometimes beyond any comprehension. One would think that the roles were reversed and White Folk had once been the Slaves in America. Really what have Black Folk done to White Folk to cause such hatred?

Or is it a self-hatred that is being expressed because of an awesome reality of guilt shame and resentment of: historical facts and forefather conduct; that is hidden deep within the collective White subconscious? Is it hatred or just fear? Whatever it is it is not good for either race of people. We need to reconcile with one another so the power of God's love can truly flourish in the land! We need an end to hate movement in America! My goodness. C'MON MAN! Things just ain't that bad...."

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The following is Blog post number twenty-four and is part of the ongoing series Racial Reconciliation in America, in honor of Black History Month; it is entitled: How White Folk Offend Black Folk - PART FOUR - You Can Not Piss In My Ear And Tell Me It's Raining.

How White Folk Offend Black Folk
PART FOUR - You Can Not Piss In My Ear And Tell Me It's Raining.

I know that for some this is an interesting title for a preacher to use. It comes out of my upbringing. My being around old Black men  and working with them in the fields; listening attentively to their conversations. We will get to the meaning of the phrase shortly. Now, beloved, Western Civilization from a historical context, has created a burden that is borne by White human beings today, indeed in some ways one might measure that White privilege is a burden. Certainly one, who achieves and is White, could indeed be judged by nonwhites as not deserving of the success that one has been fortunate to achieve. Just as some Blacks, who have achieved are often considered as unqualified, because they may have received opportunities because of Affirmative Action.
It does not mean that one is necessarily qualified, simply, because they are of White privilege. Now White people of today have had nothing, at all, to do with the methods for accomplishing this initial: conquest, control, greed and dominance of resources that developed Western Civilization! However, they may be the perpetuation of it! Their progenitors have, absolutely, been involved in its creation!
And yet, with or without their accepted agreement, all White human beings of today, who so choose to, may in these latter days, benefit from these methods of control and dominance. Without choice, but by the nature of their birth: the burden, like the benefits of a White human being, is yet borne, like it or not! I contend, this burden and or the benefits, depending on one’s outlook, have to do with and are not limited to historical events; these include the following:
·       On the stage of world history a White human being has brought forth a degree of violence and brutality unequaled by any race of people. This is represented by and not limited to the following:
1) The Catholic Crusades against the Muslim world, although centuries ago, the affects remain unto this very day,
o  2) The brutal slavery of the African peoples by the European people: of Portugal, Spain and England, beginning in 1485, in the African Kingdom of Benin; then, spreading throughout the European Continent was first supported by the Catholic Church of Portugal. It then moved to all portions of the Americas, including the U.S. Colonies in 1618 until 1864. 
o 3) The conquest and genocide of the Native Peoples of America, and the Aboriginal Peoples of Australia, are a truly dark spot and blemish!
o  4) The oppression of the Black human being under Post-Civil War Reconstruction, and the Jim Crow Laws of the Southern and Midwestern states of the U.S. Through these acts, of the State and Local governance, and through the legal terrorist organization known as the Ku Klux Klan, thousands unjustly suffered.
o     5) The Napoleonic Wars.
o     6) World War I.
o     7) World War II and the Holocaust of the Jews.
o     8) The Apartied of the South African people.
o     9) The continued subordination of the Black, Brown and Native American people, through inferior schools, healthcare; unequal justice, and inferior work, that for most men equals self-worth.
·  The elimination of the bond of ancestry of the Black human being of the United States, which has had an enduring negative impact on this racial group unto this very day. Most Black folk in America have limited to no knowledge of their progenitors prior to the 1900’s.
           This would suggest limited knowledge beyond the third or fourth generations, if they were birthed into the generation that is sixty years of age, or above. Beloved, this was an intended act with an intended consequence of destabilizing this racial group. This will be discussed later and in greater detail in our commentary on the Black Family.
           Now, there are the unintended consequences associated with having this destabilized racial group still living in America with the many problems attendant to this reality.
·  The facilitation, of a continued “Mark of Oppression,” that is held within the psyche of many Black folk, resulting from Slavery. This “Mark” is transferred by the White-American who believed the mass communications strategies of White superiority and or supremacy as something real, This is proven by held positions of historical leadership within all Seven Establishments that affect the soul of every human being in America.
           It is not by talent, intellect, the best fit or superior moral character that the ownership of positions of authority and power exists with such vastness; rather, it is by birth that such positions are so held. The “Mark of Oppression,” as it relates to the uniquely American born Black human being, is often characterized by, though it is not limited to, the following:
o   1) The historical event of oppression that is contained within the conscience, conscious mind and memory of the oppressed whether the oppression is either current or past.
o    2) A diminished nature of the self whether it be concept, value, and worth to their community, or to the broader society. This is to a large degree a result of the desire to assimilate into the European culture, having had their own stolen and blotted from memory.
o  3) The affect of the sense of guilt, fear and resentment within the conscience and subconscious mind of those considered as the oppressor either current or past, whether or not it is agreed to exist.
o    4) A worldview that is more often than not racially based.
o  5) A sense of entrapment within a so-called underclass that is not contained within the expression “mainstream” of American society,
o  6) A reality of poverty entrapment within a low quality existence whether it be related to healthcare, employment, food, clothing, income, housing, transportation, education, political influence, or power. Living the reality of lacking access to The Resource Bundle.
A reality of oppression produced by centuries of inequality embedded in the historical record of racism against Black folk in America is an offense. Realities of oppression that include, having to perform in a rigged game. What is this rigged game? The rigged game is: 1) an economy that is biased by the majority race which is White folk; against the minority race that is Black folk, 2) an economy in which individual success is affected by a good education, 3) an education system historically biased against the Black race, 4) a financial system with capital availability that is biased against the Black race, 5) an economy that is driven by assets and historically all manner of hard assets have been biased against the Black race. The generational pass through of assets is a White reality not a reality of Black folk in America. Indeed the recent financial collapse because of it's real estate centric nature, drastically and disproportionately eliminated the asset gains of Black folk.
The historical racial bias against Black folk in all aspects of access to The Resource Bundle in America has resulted in real oppression and not something that is imagined. The control over all aspects of communications and social indoctrination has over centuries developed a “whiners” perception of Black folk. This is how the terminology of “piss in my ear and tell me it’s raining” came to be. The phrase is about an historically orchestrated communications strategy employed by the White majority race. It is in many ways how White folk offend Black folk. It is to lie about the nature and condition of Black folk and believe that Black folk should and therefore do believe the lie. The bad conditions of Black folk being the fault only of Black folk and caused by Black sloth is a lie that many, particularly older White folk choose to believe.
What we have here is the theory of creative opposition through a rigged control of access to The Resource Bundle. While mass communicating that there is a fairness for all in the access to every resource: White folk, who have historically controlled all mass communications; their technologies, and access - have created an enduring image legacy of Black folk. Again, the historical image is of a people who are lazy slothful and lacking in intellectual prowess. This is a gross offense by White folk against Black folk.
The Black failure in acquiring resources has been mass communicated as the "fault" of the Black individual. The real cause of the failure has more often than not been the discrimination against Black folk by White folk who have always controlled the access to all of the resources in America. The success in mass communicating this slothful "whiners" image of the Black-American is masterful; if for no other reason than history makes clear, that it was the Black slave whose sweat and physicality actually built this nation. Not was his labor stolen, but the labor of his offspring after Slavery was stolen. Hence no ancestral asset pass through. And one must not forget the labor of the Chinese and Black folk together that was used to build our nation’s railroad system.
The following is the message from the Control Norm, which is represented by the majority White America. Communicated everyday to young Black men in America, is this message, you must manage to: 1) stay alive, 2) not get locked up in jail or in a federal prison, unlike so many of your brethren, 3) make a living without an available job, 4) get a good base education in a school system that does not offer one near you, 5) get a loan and start a business with bad credit, 6) develop good credit with no job, 7) stay well with no healthcare, 8) never have sexual intercourse, 9) provide for the child that comes if and when you do have sexual intercourse, and 10) even if an underground job is the only job available to take care of the child, do not work in the underground economy to do so. That's right even though that is the only economy where you live don't work in it.
The mass communicated message in other words is: Young Black man you achieve in a competitive self-reliant and “individual” focused society, without a good base education and no fair access to capital. This is the message to the young Black man in America. Use your wits and stay out of poverty.
Though I contend that Capitalism is the best economic system to deal with poverty, the American Capitalistic system contains extraordinary blockers to success. These blockers are put there by a society lead by White folk who have installed racially based constraints into the system. These constraints negatively affect Black folk and they are intended to do so, and this is an offense.

The mass communicated message that White folk give to Black folk in America is an offense. It is a message of “believe me when I piss in your ear and tell you that it is raining.” To a very large degree communications generally, is how White folk offend Black folk.

Monday, February 24, 2014

The following is Blog post number twenty-one and is part of the Racial Reconciliation Series presented in honor of Black History Month; it is entitled: How White Folk Offend Black Folk - Part Two: The Forward March of Human History.

How White Folk Offend Black Folk
PART TWO - The Forward March of Human History
[The following is an unedited excerpt from the book BECOME PERFECT, 2007©]

Whatever position of agreement or disagreement you may hold, if you are a White human being, the factual realities of the White race, those of European descent, on the stage of world history, is evidenced, by: the discourse presented in the balance of this work of faith. It begins with Western Civilization. One might ask: “Where does this discourse end;” to this I say: “Heavenly Father, let it end in reconciliation!”
      Western Civilization is a creation of the White human being; predominantly moved forward by the European White human being. The “Control Norm” of Western Civilization, is a description of who controls and therefore dominates the authority and power, within the overall culture of an entire civilization. The physical description of this “Control Norm” in Western Civilization is a White male who may vary in height, but is typically over five feet eight inches tall and more likely in the six-foot range. Certainly there are exceptions to this truth, Napoleon Bonaparte being one of those exceptions. To the degree that one is male and less than five feet eight inches tall; also competes aggressively for leadership, this male is often said: “to possess a Napoleonic Complex,” which is not a compliment.
Because it would be too extensive to describe, absent in this discourse are the tremendous accomplishments of the White human being in the orchestration and management of the development and progression of Western Civilization that include: 1) organized democratic forms of governance, 2) the organization of capital and advanced financial systems, 3) the expansion of education systems and higher education constructs, 4) organized systems in farming and agricultural production, 5) the harness of many forms of energy through invention and distribution of electricity, discovery of oil and gas with its organized system of distribution, as well as the discovery of nuclear technology 6) the organization and advancement of medical health care, 7) industrialization in all forms, 8) human flight, 9) transportation in all forms, 10) mass communications and the distribution of information in all forms, and finally, 11) the invention and innovations of advanced technology in all forms.
As well it cannot be discounted that the White human being continues to show up with a tremendous outpouring of effort to positively affect the human condition worldwide. Beloved, one must also recognize that much of the learning gained during the Greco-Roman Era came out of the African Continent. Even so, I contend that on the stage of human history post the Hamatic Era, there is no equal to Western Civilization when one objectively looks at the process of time and the level of human advancement, growth and development of the human species up to this day in time. Though it can successfully, be argued that many of the innovations that have propelled the advancement of Western Civilization were accomplished by someone, in other than the White race; the dominant role of White stewardship objectively cannot be argued in my view!
More than a few times, revealed history shows that a propelling invention or innovation was, falsely claimed/appropriated by a person of European descent as their own accomplishment. But even this act on a natural level, though a base act spiritually is something that could engender a certain admiration by some. I count myself as an admirer. Whatever negativity associated with dominant stewardship, if one accepts that human advancement has, overall, been positive; then the greatness of the White human being should be recognized for what it is! The method of stewardship, mostly, is what advances the resentments and hatreds, based on which side of the racial divide that one exists.
Now, I describe the Hamatic Era, as that time of greatness in human civilization development, in which the son of Noah named Ham, and whose progeny brought forth the development of African empires. The Ethiopian and Egyptian nations and the early development of the African Continent are of Ham. The great Babylonian Empire, and the yet unexplained masonry methods for building the Pyramids, and Sphinx of Egypt combined with the civilization that created and supported such amazing feats were all led by people of color! And there can be no discounting of the brutality suffered in these civilizations. Including, the enslavement of God’s chosen people!
       I contend, it cannot be successfully disputed, that no other racial group from the Greco-Roman era forward unto today, has accomplished what the White human being has in their stewardship of, and the forward march of what has come to be known as Western Civilization! The challenges for the White human being are, contained within the penalties from the methodologies employed, which created this human advancement. These methodologies, as we will see, have been an egregious offense to racial groups who are not White human beings. Particularly, the African people, that became, the slaves of Western Civilization; and whose sweat built it.
       This being said: we in the West of today find ourselves in perilous times as a civilization; for, we are now heavily burdened by the decimation of other cultures, whose mere survival, is to some degree today, dependent now upon the West, and America in particular. For we of the West, are the nations who most often come to the defense, rescue and or the aid of other nations and people facing perilous times. These cultures and racial groups, in particular, the African, have been dominated by a brutality unmatched in human history; their resources procured for the purpose of a White human being’s worldwide dominance and control of resources. It is in the interest of the African peoples that they change! That they stop killing one another, for the purpose of financial gain that further serves the interest of a White human being who garners African Continent resources!
I contend, that our divisions that exist today in America are rooted in historical events that have neither been forgotten nor forgiven. They have not been forgotten, because there are millions of people in America who are quite happy for these divisions to exist, based on race, economics and the continuation of desired White privilege. They have not been forgiven because there are millions of people in America who are daily affected by the realities of White privilege.  
The historical events that have propped up White privilege are the methodologies implemented to create and that today sustain White privilege as an aspect of Western Civilization; in particular American society! More bluntly, these methodologies are totally related to maintaining control over both authority and power, within the possession of a human being who by the happenstance of birth, has come into the plantation as a member of the White human population. The perilous times of Western Civilization include today’s discontent with the White human being because of historical events and the maintenance of White privilege. And there are many White human beings who do not want to talk about White privilege and feel it an irrelevant discussion.
What is White privilege? White privilege is: “An in breaded, social indoctrination of a ‘Just Us Philosophy’ that has, over the process of time, become ‘a natural state’ within the subconscious psyche of the White human being. It is a fundamental underpinning of Western Civilization. At times this is a very top of mind event within some White people.” This “Just Us Philosophy” is the principle by which White human beings created: centralized power, control, dominance and influence over all resources on this plantation. The “Just Us Philosophy” is by description, a philosophy of exclusion that is demonstrated in all manner of aggregating and then the segregating unto the White human; all aspects of The Resource Bundle! The beginnings of White privilege are rooted in Colonialism: particularly the colonization of India, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Australia, New Zealand and all of the Americas by the Empire of England. It is the belief that one’s Whiteness is by genetics superior to all other peoples. Further, that by this so-called: “genetic purity” the White human being is above all other races of people in supremacy of intellect and humanity!
Therefore, all other racial groups are sited as inferior beings; thereby, they hold a rightful place of subordination. The “Just Us Philosophy” historically, therefore demands, and indeed, is deemed a righteous cause for the White domination of the entire world and its resources; which, essentially was the early goal of Western Civilization. For some, this delusion of righteous cause, on some levels still remains in this present hour! White privilege, is indeed, embedded in the “Just Us Philosophy.” In American history, not too distant: White privilege was manifested as a White banker, plumber, accountant, sharecropper, rancher; or a barber living in spiritual and practical subversion! The “terrorist subversion,” of a respected member of the Ku Klux Klan! In the darkness of the night: wearing a hood over their head to not be identified; while carrying out, heinous acts of terror on the weak, in order to maintain control of The Resource Bundle! Or today, White privilege is simply: being able to be a shoplifter, without suspicion; while a legitimate shopper of color is challenged, for being present in the same store that a White person, is stealing from!
White privilege is, to be, accepted as the preferred candidate for a position, of any kind; when in competition with someone who is not White. Even, when, the nonwhite person: is in possession of superior skill sets, education and demonstrated moral character. White privilege is, to be perceived as the best fit; when, only skin color is the only possible determinant factor of final decision! White privilege is to be listened to. While someone, who is not White, has said the identical thing and is not heard. White privilege is, to be of the West as a nation; doing acts that are counter to the Will of God. Dominating, other nation’s, with impunity; thinking that it is acceptable when it really is not, in the eyes of an Almighty God! White privilege is, to be a member of the controlling class. The controlling class is the White race of Western Civilization! 
The following Blog post is number twenty-two and part of the Racial Reconciliation in America Series, in honor of Black History Month; it is entitled: How White Folk Offend Black Folk - Part Three: The Levels Of Resource Control.

How White Folk Offend Black Folk
PART THREE - The Levels Of Resource Control
[The following is an unedited excerpt from the book BECOME PERFECT, 2007©]

Now just what is the White human being in control of one might ask? Well, this is certainly an interesting area of discovery! The answer includes, but is not limited to, the following examples of what I contend are amazing accomplishments of a magnificent human being: though, like all humans, is in possession of a sinful nature. The White human being is in control of:
·  The conquest, control, greed, and dominance over all of the resources on plantation earth and there is no resource, that is not in reality either dominated, controlled or influenced by a White human being. An argument could be put forth, I believe, successfully that every source and methods of controlled power over resources, needed by the human species, even the quality of the air breathed by all, is to some degree White influenced and determined. This is a matter of implementing law and public policy. Both of which are dominated, influenced or controlled by the White human being.
·    Whether the power or resource is the law and justice; capital, banking, finance and debt of all types, as well as the most significant majority of all unearned income; all methods of transportation –  all vehicles, trains, planes, buses and automobiles manufactured and sold for that purpose; manufacturing of all types; all building products steel, iron, cable, aluminum, timber, lumber, concrete, asphalt, and rock quarries; all energy electrical, wind, nuclear power and natural gas, ethanol and all bio-products necessary for energy production, all waste products and their management; all oil and all products made from oil; all forms of technology, education, all news and information media, all advertisement, and every method and form of communications, including, the most important delivery system for it, all apparatus that delivers any type of information and social indoctrination, all framing of the information that is purveyed and its context for debate, and control of the debate are influenced, if not dominated or controlled by a White human being.
·   All aspects of the healthcare economy, and healthcare delivery systems; all systems of education delivery; all systems of governance; all farming and agriculture, commodities and foodstuffs; all ores and precious metals iron, copper, coal, platinum, diamonds, gold and every mineral type; all aggregated water sources and clean water distribution; distribution of all consumable and non-consumable products, all shipping and shipping lanes, all narcotics, be they pharmaceutical, legal or illegal narcotics; all liquor and tobacco products; every form of entertainment – theaters, performing arts venues, movies, television production, music production, record labels and museums, every form of art and its distribution, all armaments whether legal or not legal are influenced controlled or dominated by a White human being.
Consequently, all essentials of any valued material or non-material such as, historical records keeping, profiling and purveying are controlled, dominated or greatly influenced unto the height of inured benefit toward a White human being. As well, some might, with great success, argue that the communications of spiritual values: Bible interpretations, translated publications and concepts might fit within this estimate as well.
         As one looks at the universal history of both the Catholic and Protestant Church in Western Civilization, and the hidden availability, or the prolific provision of the Holy Bible, over centuries, it has principally, been accomplished under the leadership control and influence of a White human being.
          As such, certain values may have been retained; therefore may affect, current day understanding of spiritual and biblical matters; though this is not totally the case with the Black-American Church, one might successfully argue that there is White influence upon it as well. Testimony to this possibility is the picture of a blonde haired blued Jesus hanging in the Sanctuary of many Black Churches throughout the United States!
         This level of control, most certainly, carries with it tremendous responsibility of stewardship; while, performance against that responsibility, must be measured by the conditions of those who have either prospered, or suffered because of that stewardship. The fruit is the ultimate measurement; God will be the final judge!

Is there anything not dominated or influenced by a White human being?

Well, any objective analysis of this question would likely yield an answer of: “no,” to this question. Thought and ones inner self, relinquished to God, might be the only exceptions; although, this could be debated. This is primarily the result of: control over capital, the formation of ideas and idea dissemination. Though there are trillions of dollars in Sovereign Wealth Funds, held by Asian and Middle Easterners, it remains, that the dominant influence, at the writing of this book, October 2007, is a White human being.
           Assuming that Barack Obama wins the Presidency of the United States there will be an exciting possibility for debate on some of the statements expressed in this particular chapter of this book. I contend that the principal assumptions will be unchanged! Indeed, for the Black-American, things will be evermore, challenging, and I believe in a good way!
  Those who believe that the Asian nations are an exception to the White human beings level of control, dominance and influence over the resources of the world are totally mistaken, for it is the nations of the West, who control and influence these realities; they are the prime source of control of: the delivery systems, markets and the dominant currency and capital.
  Even China, the future’s most dominant economy, is today at the mercy of the US economy; as, are all other economies of the world. When America’s economy, gets a cold, the other economies get pneumonia. When any crisis in the world exerts itself, it is the West, a White human being that is looked to, for some involvement; actual leadership in the problem resolution!
  The combination of global oil companies control the world’s most economy affecting resources; not Middle Eastern oil owners, who are in control, of the ground, because it is their earth! Oil is not, ultimately, controlled by OPEC, but rather, influenced by OPEC. It is the distribution channel that controls oil; it is the currency, in which oil is traded, that determines its price to the consumers of the world. Oil’s value is determined by those who consume it!
   Let the American oil guzzler stop guzzling, and see the reality of this statement! Currently, it is the dollar that oil is traded in; if the trading currency changes back to gold or changes to the “Euro” it, will still remain, that this financial price/value is a White human being: controlled, dominated, or an event greatly influenced, to a determined affect by someone who is of the White race.
  In Western Civilization, every single government is controlled by a White human being; it is by these governments that all of the other nations of the world are effectively controlled, through, influence over these governments, by White human beings who run them! Beloved, only a few nations, effectually, control the entire world and dominate its resources.
  All seven of the establishments that act upon the soul of a human being in America are: dominated, controlled, or powerfully impacted upon by a White human being, and these include the: 1) Familial establishment, 2) Religious establishment, 3) Political establishment, 4) Education establishment, 5) Economic establishment, 6) Legal establishment, and 7) the Government establishment. These are truths; they are difficult to challenge! To whatever degree, one might actually love the race into which, one is birthed; it cannot be successfully argued that to be birthed into White privilege, is an event of opportunity.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The following is Blog post number twenty, and is part of the ongoing series Racial Reconciliation in America; presented in celebration of Black History Month: it is entitled, How Do White Folk Offend Black Folk : Part One - The Redemptive Power in White Privilege.

How do White Folk Offend Black Folk
PART ONE – The Redemptive Power In White Privilege
[The following is an unedited excerpt from the book BECOME PERFECT, 2007©]

“For now, forty years later we are faced with this war on our divisions in America; it is a war that the LORD God Almighty wants to be waged; as the success of this Campaign will be the demonstration of a corrected Church in America. A Church, desiring to rid itself of spot and blemish, will achieve victory in this war, for it is a just war; the war that Christ Jesus has authorized. The War on Division in the United States of America, is the war of the Apostle Paul; for it begins in the Church; it is our call to spiritual arms, which are not unto death but unto life! The armaments in this war are the same used by all who truly seek Christian reconciliation, for the weapons are: love, forgiveness, truth and mercy. Our victory will require the relentless resolve of the Christ centered Church in America!

Our offenses one unto another, hinders a more Perfect Union.
So what are they?

Well, one cannot deny that there are certainly huge benefits for being birthed into White privilege in America. I contend, that this is a matter that cannot be accurately questioned, though the White majority is fast becoming a minority as a result of the growth of Mexican immigration. At times, there also seems to be a curse, for being a White human being today: this one has had nothing at all to do with these historical events or for the creation of Western Civilization; though perhaps, there is rightful participation in the maintenance of Western Civilization. But the historical events involving the methods of both the creation and maintenance of Western Civilization are an offense to the Black human being, in particular!
These offenses based on historical events are reality based; not perceptions or conjecture! They are rooted in the continued control by the White race and Jews, with regard to the authority and power over all resources. It must be said that we should all want a continuation of Western Civilization, as it means the continuation of America, and our way of life! Our challenge and indeed righteous quest must always be to get better! The fact is that Black folk and White folk both offend the other, in various ways and we will discuss them.
Let’s look at White folk first. As relates to current events, certain realities of today do contain perceptions, which include but are certainly not limited to the following:
·  In the view of some, it is a fact, that the majority of Americans today are of the White race; these exercise their power to control the agenda, as it relates to the dispersion of resources in a manner that benefits White people beyond the needs of all others; to some this is an offense!
·  In the view of some, to the Black human being, it appears that nothing negative sticks to the White human being! This is to say: that any past negatives can be overcome by time, by a change in ones appearance and conduct, or by some new decision to work hard at a particular goal of redemption. This is to the advantage of a White human being; who, by their advantage of birth, or someone, looking White, who can pose as a person of White privilege, receives this benefit of skin color! No other human being in America, Australia, or the European Continent, can rest in this benefit. This is an offense to some nonwhite human beings.
·   In the view of some, redemption sought is given to Whites; where it would not be possible for some nonwhites. One can be: a long haired hippy, a rebellious pot smoker type, cut his hair, become elected a Governor, and then become President of the United States as in the case of President Bill Clinton. And then become recognized as the nation’s smartest politician, which he likely is. I personally have affection for his service, and contend that he will become recognized as one of the greatest White men to serve, though his greatness will reside in post-Presidential efforts! Or one might become a Watergate felon, in the case of G. Gordon Liddy, who became a talk show celebrity and a darling of many within the Religious Conservative Movement. Believing shamelessly, that though Mr. Liddy may have broken the law, he did it for the right reasons! The reason being Ronald Regan. It is scandalous.
Of course, there is the morality czar, Mr. William Bennet; whose Hitleresk comments, associating crime reduction with the abortion of Black babies, is a case in point. This same moralist, who preached his vehement social hypocrisy, while, also living the life of an addicted gambler, is allowed a television seat of honor; for what, I am at a total loss! For, he has, sadly, become an example of the mediocrity of the White male human being. Like others of his caste he gives Conservatism a bad name. Of course, there is also Mr. Newt Gingrich, whose intellect I once admired, though he is yet a hypocrite! He, as one, promoting an impeachment of a President, while, he himself, engaged in his own similar moral failings; as he lived the life, of an adulterer during the impeachment process of President Bill Clinton! These are examples of the sadness; a downright scandalous reality of White privilege.
The point is one of perception; in some cases, a reality, for White human beings in America that they can get away with anything! All they need do is either ignore their sin, or, stand in front of a camera, with wife in toe; as they offer some pathetic words.  For they know that to an ignorant public, they have the benefit of redemption! To other racial groups, it is, rather, that because of White privilege, White folk are simply, given the benefit of the doubt. While others, might not, be so given this benefit of redemption. Of course, this is an offense to some nonwhite human beings. In point of fact, we should all experience both forgiveness and redemption from one another! We are all frail human beings, therefore, let us not be an offense, by un-forgiveness!
·  In the view of some, perhaps with the exception of Iraq, there is no country on this plantation, that a White human being visits where they are not welcome; as an individual they are treated with great respect earned or not! Now Beloved, there are not many countries in the world where a White human being is not considered a desirable mate. Just ask the Asian male, whose women in America find the White male so desirable. If you happen to be Black this is not the case! This is an offense to the Black human being in particular, who can find few places of true universal acceptance. Or ask the Black female whose matrimony opportunities are certainly diminished by actions of the White female.
·   In the view of some, a White human being in America can even be mediocre in their educational or academic performance and compared to other racial peers, are less capable; yet, they can achieve the highest positions in education, business, politics and government. One must admit, that our current President George W. Bush and many who serve him are examples of the factual reality that the color of birth carries with it a certain power and exception. And yet, it cannot overcome the force of mediocrity; the state of America clearly suffers from today.
             This nation suffers greatly today, from a profound level of mediocrity within the White leadership class. I contend, that one of the great dangers in America as it relates to the White race, particularly with men, is the growing level of leadership mediocrity; the lack of righteous courage, in all of the Seven Establishments. This is a very disturbing trend, indeed! I contend further, that this trend is a result of not only the Education Establishment, but also the affects of feminism, and a popular culture that breeds a lack of personal self-discipline, high moral character, and inner strength.
Of course, there is also a television and movie media depiction of the entire male gender, generally as a foolish creature! Can it be denied, that this is also a result of the fact, that given the opportunity to enter the game, as has recently been given to other ethnic groups, the White supremacy myth has formidably been debunked? This provides, a cloudless reality, that there is no such thing as a super-race of White people. The attempt to prove, by means of social indoctrination and even violence at times, that the White race is indeed a supreme race, is an offense. Not only to nonwhite people, but to God Himself!
·   In the view of some it is an undeniable fact that because of skin color and what it represents worldwide, the White human being experiences an advantage of birth, like no other race on this plantation. This is an offense to the nonwhite human being. Other racial groups are amazed by the White human being’s self-perception of entitlement, as well as a projected attitude and behavior of unmerited superiority. On occasion, other races have been called to battle against the White human being; whose version of God and the history of man, has led them to a wild belief, that mere skin color, establishes the White human being in a place of supremacy over all other races.
This has been accomplished: by the will, tenacity and capability of the White human being to do whatsoever it takes to maintain control over all of the resources on this plantation. Through their total control of all information and communications delivery systems that matter to the broad society, White human beings are able to demonstrate a simply marvelous skill of indoctrination. Their talent and wherewithal to influence human perspective, by framing it and communicating it, is to me extraordinary! When the argument is lost, well, there is an undefeatable spirit to move on to the next thing without acknowledging defeat; instead, they find or create another way to approach the next assignment to their advantage! Defeat or any recognition of defeat is totally forbidden! This happens, even if it means changing the rules of engagement to their advantage, in order to continue the battle. It is really quite extraordinary, in the natural, though flawed spiritually; either way, I personally admire this strength of will and self-preservation. To some this use of the energy force is an offense.
·     In the view of some, as other races are often frowned upon, when the issue of immigration comes forward in any country, it is the White human being, who stands alone with a certain level of perceived acceptability. This is an offense to the nonwhite human being. I contend, that this is because of, his White birth. We see the application of initiative, with the expression of a God-given talent; the White human being can excel at a superior rate, more than any other race in the world, including those of Asian descent who are often thought an equal, in this manner. Today, this is not true! This is because of the advantages of White privilege, more than it is a soul gift! The race is the gift and the advantage. To many this advantage is an offense. Yet, it should be recognized that a White human being, who immigrates, generally is doing so with the perception of added value, rather than as a possible drain on resources. Is it possible that other racial groups do indeed, represent a drain on resources?
·   In the view of some, one should not forget the “Doll Test” that was conducted many years ago; whereby, even at the youngest of ages, a child will choose the “White Doll” over dolls of other racially depicted colors, as the preferred doll. I find this a very interesting phenomenon! I have three daughters who all wanted dolls that looked like them! Finally, a uniquely beautiful doll of color was found that looked like them. This phenomenon is an offense to some.

White privilege as a profound reality of American life is an offense to many who are not White.”
The following is Blog post number nineteen and it is entitled: Standing on the Calling of God.

Standing on the Calling of God

Okay so let me share the conversation that we just had. I want to say first that we are about to make a series of six Blog posts that may shake the consciousness of some of my best friends and loves. If you are in the least bit offended by what is coming let me now ask universally for your forgiveness; as I mean no such offense whatever it may be. Let me also: 1) remind you of my deep love and affection for you, 2) remind you that you mostly share my views, though you may not like to talk about them, and 3) remind you that you know my heart and my calling to take on what seems like an impossible task, which as you know of me is what I am always doing.
            The conversation that we just had was in this fashion: “Lord this job is for the White man to do. Not me.” Response: “Do what I long ago told you to do.” That’s it. That’s the whole conversation.
This quest for Racial Reconciliation in America has long been on my heart and is the reason for many of the choices that I have made; very personal private choices. What has forever been a thought uppermost in my mind is that this quest really is one that should be orchestrated – even lead by a White human being. I still think President Bill Clinton should be the one doing this thing. The other day I suggested that what we are missing is a 21st Century John Brown and I was reminded that we are engaged in war prevention not war starting. As my precious daughter Sarah, so aptly put it the other day when asked which side she would fight on when the revolution comes: “I am not here to fight in the revolution I am here to prevent the revolution!”
Beloved I am here and have always been here for the purpose of love peace and reconciliation. My life story represents this, though I have engaged rebellion. I confess to you that my soul wants to do what I am as good as some and better than most at doing; something I truly miss doing and that is making money. Lot’s of it. On this my soul and I are at war. Here I am doing this “monk” life. Making money is what I really know how to do and I am swinging in the dark on this quest. So I honestly solicit your prayers patience and good will, as with all diligence I am trying to follow the Holy Spirit.
Now I am to also share something with you that was kept secret all my life until I was instructed to put it in the book Become Perfect 2007©. I grew up in a small country town in northeastern Kansas. Not far from Kansas City. I am the youngest of ten children of an amazing father and mother. My mother had a gift that is called foreknowledge; she often knew what was going to happen before it did. By God’s grace I have this gift; it has served me well over the years.
Late on a Friday night, and in the dark of Saturday morning; in the middle of May 1956, an event occurred at 1126 Oak Street, Eudora, Kansas. I was awakened, the how is not important only the why. Being a hot summer night as was normal in those days we slept with the door open. We were more than one child in a bed. The point is I was wide awake, not experiencing a dream or a vision but was awake as I went to the screen door. I looked outside at a bright light. With no fear I went outside onto the porch.
To my amazement descending from the sky was who I assumed was Jesus Christ. Though young I knew the Lord. He had a staff in His right hand. He was beckoning me with His left hand as He was hovering in the yard. I started down the steps and was going to Him. When I got to the bottom of the steps I stopped as thoughts of not seeing my mother again came rushing over me. The figure stopped beckoning to me and went up and away.
            I told no one except my mother who was not surprised just comforting. At church on Sunday the Reverend Moses Williams Pastor of First Baptist Church of Eudora, Kansas, stopped in the middle of his sermon and told me to come to the front of the church. I didn’t want to but did in obedience as one always did in those days. The Pastor went on to tell the congregation about this “Word from the Lord” that he had received on Friday night that “this boy here is going to be a great preacher some day.”
Back in those days if a Black boy could utter a few sentences together he was going to be a great preacher someday! Most Black mothers hoped so. I was having none of that. I knew exactly what I was going to be! I was going to be a running back for the Kansas City Chiefs and a businessman after that. After service my mother and I talked extensively about all that had transpired.
I was so angry and upset telling her that I was gonna be a rich man so I could take care of her. I had become fearful and as I cried and fussed she grabbed me by my shoulders when she said, “Don’t you worry about me boy. You are going to preach what’s in that Book!” I was nine years old that summer and was baptized in August. This true story has haunted me all of my life; it has affected many of my choices in life.
Most assuredly, from a young age I did become a student of the Holy Bible. Every preacher that I have ever met has thought without question that I am a preacher. I can preach and consider myself more of a teacher. I have never been in a Black Church and not invited to sit in the Pulpit section, though on many occasions for years I refused the invitation.
Yes, I am an ordained man of God, by God and by man. However, I did not go on to become some great preacher. Nor did I make it to the KC Chiefs as a player though I am a fanatic. What I did go on to do is have a very successful business career and what my dad was unable by circumstance to provide my mother I did. Now I live like a monk, who is trying to stop a race war. Go figure! Please pray for me when you pray. That I do God's Will not my own.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

This is Blog post number eighteen and represents a very brief summary of posts in the Racial Reconciliation in America Series, honoring Black History Month.


This is Blog Number Six and begins our series for Black History Month. The overall topic of the series has to do with Racial Reconciliation in America.
AMERICA – Sharing The Resource Bundle!
“The quality of life in America, is mostly if not completely determined: good or bad by a person’s degree of access to ten things that we call The Resource Bundle, which consist of: A) freedom, B) capital C), employment, D) food and water, E) housing, F) healthcare, G) education, H) transportation, I) information, and J) influence. Our divisions in America have to do with, the degree to which, the individual or a whole class of individuals, are able to access each of The Resource Bundle’s ten elements.


The following is Blog post number ten and it is part of the Black History Month series Racial Reconciliation In America: It is entitled The Concentric Circle of Peace - Part One Disparity of Work
“So then, what is the single most powerful issue that hinders harmonious relations among the races in America? What is the one thing that if fixed would resolve racial animus? Fundamentally the race issue in America is the issue of the Black male being able to engage in a quality of life equal to that of the White male. Quality of life for the Black male in America has always been an issue of work that leads to a stabilized Black familial structure.
The disparity between Black men and White men in income distribution from work is the fundamental issue of race in America: Post Slavery Reconstruction Era, Jim Crow Era, Civil Rights Movement Era, and continuing through the Affirmative Action Era. This remains so even now in the early beginnings of the 21st Century. As yet, no sustained effort has been made to overcome the economic, physical and psychological forcible suppression of the Black man during the American Slave economy. Through their progeny the legacy of Black Slaves has been passed forward in continued daily asset deprived struggle. The struggle relates to the disparity between Black and White men and it is all about labor and the benefits from working.”


The following is Blog post number eleven and is part of the Black History Month Series on Racial Reconciliation in America, it is entitled: The Concentric Circle of Peace - Part Two The Want To Factors.
“The Concentric Circle of Peace in America contains what we refer to asThe Want to Factors. These factors exist whether or not one is in touch with them or not. The Want to Factors, as relating to the Concentric Circle of Peace in America, is described in this fashion: Freedom–>Education–>Opportunity–>Work–>Self-worth–>Hope–>Faith–>Achievement–>Freedom. We see Peace in America as a male driven agenda, for it is the male human being in America who is becoming subordinated and this across all racial groups. And the danger to peace is that a male is the most dangerous of the species when discontentment becomes his reality.”


The following is Blog post number twelve, and is part of the continuing series Racial Reconciliation in America: in honor of Black History Month. It is entitled: The Predicate of Fear.
“We only know what to us history has revealed. Over the process of unfolding time what we see in looking at human history is how the human being has subdued the earth. Our predicate is the Book of Genesis.
Human history shows us that the male has subdued the earth with what can only be described as an ungodly brutality. The man has used the tools of a before unnecessary conscience: fear guilt shame and resentment; along with his propagation of religion, i.e. by only allowing man to posses the responsibility to communicate religious traditions and edicts. History speaks to us in results: that this has been done for the purpose of male domination.”


The following is Blog post number thirteen; it is part of the Racial Reconciliation in America Series in honor of Black History Month. It is entitled: The Conscience of a Nation.
“Many years ago my beloved friend and business mentor: the honorable “Godfather of Xerox” Mr. Eugene S. Ruffin, used to tell a great story when describing a discovery process that was in trouble. You may have heard the same story. It’s the story of a lone man driving down a country road. After many hours of searching: being lost and at the end of this long road, this traveler found himself at an old farmhouse.
He told the farmer sitting on an old well-used tractor, where he had come from, and how he had started out. He shared his story of travel. Seeking help the traveler asked the farmer how to get to where he was trying to go. The farmer thought long and hard and even spoke out a number of different suggestions.
But with each suggestion the farmer continued to reflect and would just shake his head, saying: “Daingit Mister that won’t work either.” Then in complete and total exasperation, after long reflection and many suggestions the farmer simply threw up his hands and said, “You know what fella I think you just need to turn around and start all over, cause you just ‘cain’t get close to thar’ from here!”
And so it is with racial reconciliation in America, and we ask the question can we get there from here? Can we at least travel the road and give it a go? Can we for once just try to get to a place to which we have never been as a nation? In this quest we ask the question can we refresh our national conscience and find ourselves at a new starting point. If perhaps an egalitarian society, a truly more perfect union is the place to which we want to arrive. Can we get there from here?”


The following is Blog post number fourteen and is part of the Racial Reconciliation in America Series, in celebration of Black History Month; it is entitled: Offenses Part One – What is an Offense?
As it is written: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18, KJV).
Offenses Part One – What is an Offense?
“As a human behavior the “offense” is strategic evil, particularly, if offense is done with knowledge and with intent. Purposeful intent of offense is a tool of the devil against humanity and is directed from and through one human being against another human. The result of this type of emotional assault is the production of anger outrage and fear. To make the choice of doing an offense is sin against the human and its Creator for this is to yield to God’s enemy the devil. Offense is the most powerful cause of race divisions in America and around the world; offenses past and present are the hindrance to racial reconciliation on this day.
We are continually given reasons to delve most ardently into a dialogue that will lead to an end of our racial divisions in America. What is glaringly missing is the voice of the White Clergy who not only have a responsibility before God to engage  and to lead this dialogue in America and we contend that they can do the most good. They are less likely to be called a "race-baiter" and more likely to be listened to by White folk.


The following is Blog post number fifteen,  and it is part of the ongoing Racial Reconciliation in America Series, offered in celebration of Black History Month. It is entitled: Offenses Part Two - Approach Avoidance.
Offenses Part Two – Approach Avoidance
“When a person commits an act of offense and that offense is not immediately dealt with: by an act of contrition, forgiveness and then reconciliation, the offending person will attempt to avoid the approach of the person that they offended. Why? Because of a fear based shame that is associated with guilt. The entire matter can often be simply rooted in just plain old psychological weakness. Some people are raised or simply become indoctrinated into a belief that it is a weakness to say you’re sorry, when you have done something that you and others know is wrong. As the saying goes “Never apologize. It’s a sign of weakness.”
We contend that this is utter foolishness and goes totally against Holy Scripture. It is one of the dumbest things ever! Who comes up with this stuff? If one person has wronged another person without any act of contrition then there is a lingering offense. First the wrong act itself and secondarily the disrespect of no apology. No recognition of the offense.
If the offense is a material or financial matter with no restitution this is a further extension of the original offense. When the offended and the offender who has not made restitution cannot avoid each other, the guilt within the conscience of the offending person, is continually stirred up. There develops a desire to not approach the offended person and this is brought on by a guilty conscience. And when this happens with an offender who has no intention to set things right; in order to mitigate within themselves the guilt that they feel, they will then tell lies to themselves and others about the folk that they have offended. This is most cowardly. It is happening right at this very minute somewhere near you!”


The following is Blog post number sixteen; part of our ongoing series: Racial Reconciliation in America, presented in celebration of Black History Month. It is entitled: "How Do Black Folk Offend White folk?"

How Do Black Folk Offend White Folk?
“Can there be an “honest no wholes barred” discussion? Can we as a people of offended races actually be for real with one another? Can we who are simply tired of the thought of race even engage? Can a real race based dialogue even happen nationally? Can those of us who are from the Sixties Generation actually do what we said we were going to do: Change America from hate to love? Are we too old and is it too late? Well, to all of these questions we simply answer, "Lord help our children if we don't at least give it a go!" Besides for us old folk it might just be fun to get back into a reality of: "The Cause."

Knowing full well that it is true, let us all admit that each racial group has actually been an offense to another. Regarding this text, the discussion can only be done in generalities. It should be obvious that not every person of any race is obligated by or for, any of the offenses committed by members of their racial group. Sadly, though some would like to just be considered a member of one race; that being the human race, others will just not allow that to be the case. It is a conundrum to be sure.”