Friday, May 2, 2014

The following is Blog number fifty two and is part of the ongoing Racial Reconciliation in America Series; it is entitled: Staying in our own lane!


You know very often I get so weary of Al Sharpton. His seeming insertion of self into each and every activity such as the NBA event this past week is so very interesting to me. Without exception all is being revealed; to this we say God be praised.

Not meaning to discount Al's value of bringing attention to events worthy of and without national attention; yet their is a certain devaluing that is attached to crediting the self for that which credit of accomplishment is just not due. It is reminiscent of the ambulance chasing lawyer model which seeks to be first on the scene; this is beneath one seeking universal legitimacy of intention. Yet it must be said that no one can organize a parade with television coverage faster than Al can; there are times when this has been absolutely essential!

Now, this past week: no it was the NBA ATHLETES WHO HANDLED THEIR OWN BUSINESS! Frankly, we are convinced that they are quite capable of managing this process of change on their own. The resources that they lack they have proven well able of acquiring on their own. Very likely they will do great work beyond what they have accomplished this week; to this we say heartily, thank you Jesus.

Is there a larger picture here? Well of course. There is most certainly a broader effort than basketball ownership and all contained therein. Also present was the contextual matter of civil rights, equal opportunity, fair housing, etc., which regarding Donald Sterling neither the NAACP nor Al Sharpton engaged this man to make a difference.

No, not them: rather it took Karma to bring Donald Sterling to task; his foes, well they all yet suffered. The suffering of those powerless Black and Brown folk, well this frankly is the straight lane of Al Sharpton and the NAACP. In this arena they must not be discounted. Beloved, folk really should make sure that their lane is being administered to; yea, also make certain that their brand goes untainted by self-promotion. For in self-promotion is also an unavoidable devaluing of cause virtue and perpetually harmonious outcomes.

Now it must be said that the goal of diminishing racism where ever it may exist is the purview of all peoples. May it be so that all people seek to engage in the eradication of this plague. Better it is to keep our focus on the plague and off of the self for in this there is purity unto the quest. Let it forever be plague eradication not positioning of the self that is our consistency in conduct; unto this may we be so disciplined by Jesus Christ our Lord.

Yea, may it be the quest of racial reconciliation in America that becomes the quest of all peoples; let pride of ownership never be sought. Brick upon brick, layer upon layer at the end of the effort may fame go unto the quest itself; with a harmonious outcome being ever sought without praise. O Lord, may this quest become the desire of the NBA NFL MLB NHL and all who can not run jump swing or throw! Let racial reconciliation become a quest owned within the spirit us all the people, Lord we pray. Thank you Jesus. Amen and amen.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The following is Blog number fifty one and it is entitled: The Introduction to the book BECOME PERFECT 2007©.

[The following is an excerpt from the book BECOME PERFECT 2007© and it is without any change.]

“The principal goal of this work of faith is to discover A Meaningful Life. What the source of A Meaningful Life actually is and how such a life is attained. This book is a discovery process of how one grows into A Meaningful Life. My goal is to answer the questions that are unresolved in the context of A Meaningful Life – such as what our divisions actually are, why our divisions in America exist, and what is the ‘nitty-gritty’ and rooted nature of our divisions. We will discover what strategies a person, who seeks a life of true meaning employs unto real interconnectedness with humanity and our planet. But of more importance is the human beings connectedness with our Almighty God! And we will discover how A Meaningful Life and the individual who possesses this life, truly benefits themselves and this nation that we love.
It has often been said that, “we all possess our own truth,” and of course this is something that one can easily imagine as truth. But is this really truth? The truth is that human beings have their-own set of beliefs in which we walk through life. And it is also true that these beliefs are not necessarily truth. Truth and belief are different matters entirely. One could also imagine that human beings live between the truth and a lie. Is it possible that what we have internalized as our system of beliefs is actually rooted in a lie? Some particular message engrained into our psyche from birth? Could something that we have heard continually become what we accept as truth, and then drive our human interactions? What if the message that we have believed is a lie? Does it not stand to reason that our human interactions will, in many cases, be a negative based on that lie? The best possible example of this would be contained within all matters racial that pit one race against another based on the lies of social indoctrination. This book will explore social indoctrination against that which is contained within God’s Word, the Holy Bible, which is the greatest source of all truth.
An example of this would be who the human being is, and what the human being represents, relative to the rest of this planet.
As, it is written: “O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet: All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!” (Psalm 8, KJV).
What is the human being and for what meaningful purpose was the human being created, visited with and held in close fellowship with the universe maker? This is the question put forth in this praise unto an Almighty God by David King of the Jews. It is an interesting question and one worthy of discovery in this present hour of humanity. I have sought an understanding of human purpose, the meaning of human life, why we are here and such by seeking the Holy Word of God and by the Holy Spirit in exploration of these matters.
         Clearly Psalms 8 is evidence that there is something rather astonishing about the human creation in the eyes of Almighty God, and our relationship with God. In the Hebrew language the word that was used for “angel” in this Scripture was, ”Elohim” therefore meaning, that man was “made a little lower than God” which is an extraordinary characterization of what the human being is. This matches what God intended in Genesis Chapter one and verse 26-28a.
As it is written: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion.”
Who are human beings? Clearly from these Scripture references the human being was created to be the overseer of created earth and all life on the earth, in the sea and in the air. In other words, the human being stands in the highest position of authority over this dimension and just under an Almighty God who created it. Interestingly, as believers in Christ Jesus we will one day judge the world and even the angels, as is written in 1Corinthians 6.

         Have you ever asked the question “why am I here?” I think many of us have asked this question. Let me answer it for you, and if you don’t like my answer, let me challenge you to prove me incorrect. The reasons that we, and our neighbors are here on this particular planet, is to glorify an Almighty God and rule over planet earth. As a preacher of the Good News of Jesus Christ, I contend that the demonstration of true love for our God is to glorify God, in specific ways that live up to, who and what we are meant to be. The human being is:
  1. To have faith in God and therefore Jesus Christ the Son of God for in having this faith, are we made right with God, by His grace.
  2. To gain an understanding of the true meaning of life.
  3. To discover what gifts that God has placed within us at birth.
  4. To perfect the gifts that God placed within us for our individual strength.
  5. To use, unto perfection, the gifts placed within us and through God’s power to overcome the weaknesses that threaten our perfection.
  6. To discover, with God’s help, our opportunity and His divine purpose for our life.
  7. To perfect and to use our God-given talents, gifts and strengths in order to become a blessing unto our neighbor and a glory unto God.
Looking at these seven examples one can see that these are individual based actions containing individual personal responsibility. Though it may be lost on some, as at times, one might get a different perception while reading certain chapters of this book, but please know this, that from beginning to end, this is a book about personal responsibility. You see, beloved, the Holy Bible, which is the source of this particular discovery process, is totally about the personal responsibility of the human being. I implore you to keep your own personal responsibility at the top of your mind, as you read this book.
One of my old friends, a magnificent preacher and learned Bible scholar, was the dearly departed Pastor E.K. Bailey, of the Concord Missionary Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. This is a human being from whom much was learned. Brother E.K. was fond of saying, and I paraphrase “The biggest part of the word ‘God’ is ‘go’ with a capital ‘G.’ If you think that God has told you to go and do something righteous, then go! Don’t make the excuse that you don’t have a car to go in, take the bus. And if you can’t take the bus, then go ahead and ride your bicycle. And if you don’t have a bicycle, then go ahead and use your feet. Just start walking! If you don’t have feet to walk because you’re trapped in a wheel chair, then start rolling your wheel chair in the direction that you think you are supposed to go. If for some reason your wheelchair won’t move, then fall out of your wheelchair and start to crawl in the direction of go! Then you will prove the ‘Will of God’, as to whether His Will is in your actions. If so, then your actions will show success. Don’t sit on the couch and wait, but instead get up and go!”
The point made is one of personal responsibility and accountability to God’s principles of success through obedience, as communicated in James 1:22-25, NLT:
As, it is written: ”But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise you are only fooling your selves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.”
Taking personal responsibility is about action and doing action is the launching pad for the active believer. The active believer is blessed by their execution of the principles discovered within God’s Word, the Holy Bible.
Conversely, there is a powerless consequence to believer passivity. And over the process of time passivity leads to powerlessness. For possessing power requires action! Embracing past hurts of history and offences that may have occurred in your life, or your ancestral history, must not, however real, become a matter of blame to the point that it leads you to become passive in achieving God’s vision for your life. Passivity in the execution of God’s Word is disobedience. Passivity allows us to excuse our personal conduct and responsibility that is attached to our current condition. The passive believer will always be an under achiever in the work of God. And in relationship with their neighbor, the passive believer, falls short in their love. Love of neighbor is our obedient service unto God. Our obedience to His Word means to do His Word.
          With this in mind, I contend that the passivity of Church leadership in personal conduct and in the lack of teaching a disciplined conduct of love is missing or lacking relative to the need of this hour. In turn this has produced divisions within the Church of America from its beginning unto this very hour. These divisions are along racial lines and they are along doctrinal lines. Our divisions within the Body of Christ, the Church, contribute to the Church’s failing a nation whose citizens, overwhelmingly claim to be of the Christian Faith. The state of American society is proof that this claim by 76% of Americans can only be viewed as a lie if one understands the principles of Jesus Christ, as put forth by the Holy Bible. The Church has failed to act in love. Love is the totality of that which is commanded in God’s Word. To act, in accordance with God’s Word, is to put into action the power of God in one’s life. It is this power, which brings forth true liberty and the victory over all circumstances of life. Miracles in the life of a human being are real and they come forth as one is in right standing with God. 
          Become Perfect is an exploration of these matters; Who God is, and who human beings are to be. So let us explore Christian doctrine with its expectations. Let us consider human purpose, and the adversaries of God and humanity. Let us also explore, becoming the perfection bound human being, to the glory of our Father in heaven, which is the reason that we are here. Let it be seen that we can, individual to individual, conquer the tremendous divisions, personal emptiness, loneliness, discouragement, depression, lack of collective connectedness and common purpose within our society. Victory comes only after revelation has come. Let the revelation show what is and is not truth. Within the lies daily told with our receptivity dwells the source of our defeat and in revelations of truth our victory. So unto all of us let the lies be revealed, and let the healing purpose of change and correction of the Church of America begin.”